What’s up with the green license plate of the corporation car.jpg


What's up with the green license plate of the corporation car.jpg
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What's up with the green license plate of the corporation car.jpg
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(1)To avoid the green license plate of the corporation car, he went down
(2)There’s even a contract trick
(3)Input 20240215 AM 922 Revision 20240215 AM 925 Article document
(4)● Reporter Jung Yoon-joo
(5)1 value ⑤

What's up with the green license plate of the corporation car.jpg

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(1)Businesses with more than 80 million won to register new or changed from the 1st of last month
(2)As dance cars are obligated to attach light green license plates, tricks to avoid them are emerging
(3)Channel A reported that as people who want to privately ride high-priced corporate cars that receive tax benefits are reluctant to use light green license plates, the imported car industry is using down contracts
(4)In fact, during the coverage process, a dealer sold a car worth 82.9 million won and offered a discount by lowering the tax invoice to below 80 million won, and offered a separate deposit

Tax evasion has been added

What's up with the green license plate of the corporation car.jpg
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