image text translation
(1)Robert Fortune
(2)It was 1840s in China
(3)Britain and China fight the Opium War
(4)China’s imports of British and Indian opium will drop across the board
(5)Because opium is
(6)It’s easy to make and has a good climate
(7)This is because after the Opium War, Chinese opium began to be manufactured in large quantities
(8)Because of this, despite winning the war, Britain embraces great concern
(9)So far, the triangular trade of tea, opium, silver has collapsed
(10)This is because the British car industry has been hit hard
(11)But even though the British were so crazy about cars
(12)I didn’t even know what the car was like
(13)No, I don’t know if black tea and green tea are the same plant or different plant
(14)Even after the war
(15)The British were unaware
(16)He’ll do the same
(17)the invasion of imperialism and the opening of the three East Asian countries
(18)Treaty of Ganghwa Island
(19)Treaty of Beijing
(20)Treaty of Tianjin
(21)Incheon and Busan
(22)Hyogo 90
(23)It is Shimoda, Osaka
(24)Nanjing Battlefield
(25)Yangtze River Korea
(26)the Treaty of Friendship between the United States and Japan
(27)Treaty of Protection and Trade between the United States and Japan
(28)a port under the Treaty of Nanjing
(29)·Open ports under the Tianjin-Beijing Treaty
(30)Open Port after the Treaty of Ganghwa Island
(31)First Central War Second Sino-British War ○ Open ports according to the Sino-Japanese Friendship Treaty
(32)British Military’s Career British and French Military’s Career ○ Open port according to the U.S.-Japan Protection and Trade Treaty
(33)It’s packed by a sea of dogs in China, and the harbor is
(34)Because the tea production area remained deep inland
(35)Anyway, when the opening of the port of China began
(36)The East India Company in the United Kingdom
(37)He’s taking the tea-making skill and ambition to take away the seedlings
(38)There were a lot of problems
(39)First, I’ve never seen a British tea tree before
(40)I didn’t know which one was the real tea tree
(41)Second, all plants, not just tea seedlings, pass through Southeast Asia
(42)It’s about to dry up and die by the time we pass the Strait of Malacca
(43)But this problem was solved unexpectedly easily
(44)This is because glass greenhouses like crystal palaces were made in England
(45)And it was simple to find a famous place unexpectedly
(46)In Shanghai, where Robert Fortune was staying
(47)It’s a neighborhood where you didn’t even drive a car
(48)If you go to a neighborhood where people pass by ask someone
(49)There were two places
(50)That’s how Hwizu was chosen as the first destination
(51)Robert went to Hwizu with his hair
(52)The seedlings I managed to bring to Shanghai
(53)Due to a sailor’s mistake while moving to India
(54)I opened the lid of the glass box
(55)It’s all dried up
(56)Fortune therefore makes a second plan
(57)Second, I brought the rust of Mt. Wuyi
(58)For your information, Fortune is going to use the homemade Jeddah method here
(59)He took 20,038 tea seeds to India, 92 seedlings specializing in tea processing
(60)Fortune arrived with a Chinese car
(61)It’s the Assam region of India
(62)He’s here to plant tea from China and grow it
(63)But not long after, he got a car from the area
(64)I found something called a muja
(65)The British preferred the tea tree brought by Fortune
(66)Indian assam tea trees grew better on Indian soil
(67)So Fortune had no choice but to take a tea tree
(68)Go to the higher part of the country, Darjeeling, and grow tea
(69)This is the origin of assam tea and dasling tea