Kim Gu-ra said he never hit his son Dong Hyun

Kim Gu-ra said he never hit his son Dong Hyun

image text translation

(1)I’ve never hit Dong Hyun before
(2)I’ve never been hit before
(3)I’ve never given up
(4)I don’t think I’ve ever raised my voice
(5)I’ve never done that before!!
(6)Of course, Dong Hyun said to his mom a long time ago
(7)There are things like getting hit on the back, but for me, things like that, too
(8)Let’s get it right
(9)I’ve never said anything tough!
(10)I’ve never raised my voice!!
(11)Just keep that in mind ♥
(12)I’ve never done that before!
(13)People want to increase!
(14)I never really cursed at her!
(15)I always say that when I hear this!
(16)I’ve never done it before


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