Ethical Dilemma of Self-Driving

Ethical Dilemma of Self-Driving

image text translation

(1)You will drive on the highway in a self-driving car
(2)And you’ll find yourself surrounded by other cars
(3)Suddenly, a big heavy object falls from a truck running in front of you
(4)Then you have to make a decision
(5)Go straight and crash into an object
(6)turn the SUV to the left
(7)Your safety is a priority
(8)Should I crash into a motorcycle
(9)If we’re going to drive a car in that situation
(10)If you were driving yourself
(11)Whatever the outcome, it’s simple
(12)I’m going to think about reflexes
(13)unplanned and innocuous
(14)Instinctive movement
(15)But it’s the same choice, so the programmer
(16)If it’s pre-set
(17)It looks more like a premeditated murder
(18)Self-driving cars can cause traffic accidents
(19)I’m going to give you a breakthrough
(20)The car fatality rate
(21)Reduce traffic jams
(22)It reduces exhaust emissions
(23)unproductive and stressful
(24)Minimize driving time
(25)If you’re driving, you’re not going to be able to get up
(26)It’s because you get rid of mistakes
(27)But you can’t avoid a car accident
(28)The result was months or years ago
(29)It’s going to be decided in advance
(30)by programmers or policymakers
(31)The general rules of decision-making
(32)It’s easy to use a small one
(33)It’s like minimizing human casualties
(34)But it could be an immoral decision
(35)Even though it’s not
(36)According to the negative conclusion of this algorithm
(37)You’re going to suffer
(38)Our new technology is new
(39)It creates a moral dilemma
(40)Still, the reflexes
(41)in order to minimize damage
(42)Is it better than the pre-set one
(43)And all of these decisions are about who’s going to be
(44)And how do I get off


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