image text translation
(1)I’d really appreciate it if anyone could help me
(2)Does anyone know how to sign up
(3)View Translation >
(4)Original English
(5)Hello, grandpa!Your video
(6)It made me happy. It’s been a long time
(7)Please be happyI’m serious about your smile
(8)Thank you
(9)And at the concert in the U.S.
(10)I’d like to invite you
(11)The office has a lot to contact you, so please come
(12)You look great in those clothes
(13)Please enjoy my new album, The Winning
(14)Thank you so much
(15)IU invited us to the concert
(16)That grandfather used to be the CEO of an IT company, and after retirement, he said he liked IU while watching Korean dramas

image text translation
(1)The IU World Tour Concert will be held in 18 cities, starting with Seoul in March and the U.S. in August
The translation is;;;;