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(1)The doctors’ gaslighting dog sounds. One-top water storage
(2)382 views. 24 comments
(3)In today’s article, the heads of university hospitals told me to increase the number by 5 times or 10 times, but I saw the comments
(4)That’s rightㅇㅈㄹ 국민들이 저수가에 얼마나 선동되있는지
(5)Doctors really need to be aware of the art of mixing facts with delusions
(6)I’m jealous ^^ We’re a truck of kids who say facts in a white-day thesis, but it’s effective to spit
(7)Anyway, the fee is how much the Health Insurance Premium Public Insurance Corporation, which is operated by the people’s tax, guarantees and preserves the expenses incurred in performing the medical treatment
(8)This means that even if a medical practice is performed, the medical institution will lose sales and incur expenses
(9)This means that medical institutions will have profit sales > expenses if they practice medical practice
(10)In fact, most of the university hospitals – that is, lost sales <> are right to cost!!
(11)Huh? If he’s right now, it’s accountable!! He’s a doctor!!
(12)Yes, it’s true in accounting, but it’s different from the storage price lol
(13)Because the cost includes the labor costs of doctors, and the amount that guarantees the cost includes the money of the Health Insurance Corporation, but does not include the loss insurance, which is private insurance
(14)In other words, sales patient out-of-pocket expenses, including only money from the Health Insurance Corporation, are not paid
(15)We will minimize the loss insurance exceptions
(16)Cost, rent, miscellaneous, lease, labor, especially doctor’s labor
(17)It makes you look like you’re losing money
(18)What do you mean
(19)1 There are various expenses incurred in conducting medical practice, such as rent, miscellaneous expenses, and labor costs, and the reason why this is bigger than sales is because
(20)Doctors’ labor costs are so large that labor costs account for more than 30 percent of the labor costs based on university hospitals. In general, large companies have about 5 labor costs
(21)2 In addition, money received from real loss insurance such as MRI CT frequency is not included in sales at the time of storage price, so there is no loss ^^
(22)How can you keep building a new university hospital and hiring a doctor when you lose moneyLaughing
(23)I’ll apply the logic of doctors to two self-employed professions
(24)1 Local Mega Cafe Card Sales Health Insurance is KRW 10 million, and in fact, 5 million won in addition to the consumption-boosting voucher loss insurance supported by local governments has been generated
(25)Let’s say the cost is 1 million won for rent, 1 million won for material costs, 1 million won for interior depreciation, and 1 million won for material costs
(26)But the boss set 10 million won for labor costs because he’s really bad!!
(27)Then the cost is 100 100 100 100 100 1000 boss labor costs = 1
(28)It’s 4 million won. Card sales health insurance is 10 million won
(29)Huh? You lost 4 million won. That’s a bargain!!!! That’s too much!!!!
(30)But can you say that the president lost money
(31)10 million won in self-labor costs and 5 million won in vouchers for boosting consumption =
(32)I took 15 million won with me lol
(33)Accounting, the workplace lost money, so of course, the workplace
(34)I don’t know about the gains tax, but you don’t pay any other comprehensive income tax ^^ lol honey
(35)2 The number of births is lower than the number of births for dogs all of a sudden
(36)He’s a doctor. He’s a doctor
(37)I’m sorry, but the number of deliveries that can guarantee your health is 30
(38)10,000 won patient 300,000 won ^^ government compensation of 70 won
(39)10,000 won bottle sales of 1 million won
(40)Additional MRI CT ultrasound room fees parking equipment food expenses
(41)The consultation fee is at least five times bigger than the singer. ^^
(42)If there’s someone who got married and had a baby at the hospital, go to the water
(43)Look, you paid only 300,000 won for powdering!! by common sense
(44)Does it make sense to
(45)At least a few hundred have been broken Of course, there’s an actual expense. Ask
(46)While watching ^^
(47)But the cost of delivering puppies that they claim is really hospitalized
(48)It’s 300,000 wonLaughing. Laughing
(49)Of course, dogs don’t have health insurance loss insurance, so they’re veterinarians
(50)Just 30 off the animal hospital
(51)According to logic, the lowest obstetrician and gynecologist is now in the metropolitan area
(52)It’s 1000 after tax, but the dog delivery doctor is 1000 after tax
(53)It means we’re going to get an award
(54)Real doctors, I don’t know anything else, but that’s a rare bit of a dog’s mouth
(55)Issue NFTs
(56)B thread-beach