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A user who asked a dentist’s acquaintance about the current situation


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(1)Ask a dentist’s acquaintance about the status quo
(2)My mother ① 1 minute ago
(3)Since I went to my friend’s dentist to get my wisdom teeth removed, I asked him a few questions about the current situation
(4)Q Is the dentist going on strike
(5)Medical school A’s expansion is different from dental school. The dentist was already saturated in the first place, but there was an impression that it was too shiny over there
(6)Q. Then are you going to seduce me
(7)It’s not A’s
(8)Q What do you think of the medical cooperation
(9)A is such a huge organization that it is hard to say that it reflects individual intentions well. It seems to be the so-called ancient water. Dental clinics are relatively small, so if they are similarly criticized by public opinion, they have the flexibility to stop teasing and do it, but that doesn’t seem to be the case over there I can’t stand a public opinion battle
(10)Q What do you think about CCTV installation
(11)A I don’t think there will be much opposition from the dentist at least I don’t know how frequent surrogate surgery problems are for ordinary doctors, but at least in dentistry, general anesthesia is rare, and most of them are techniques that click with handpieces. I can’t make anyone do it If I can’t do it, I’ll send it to another doctor
(12)Q. But is the dentist also a doctor
(13)I’ve done at least a full-body dissection, starting with A
(14)Q When a patient is on a plane, does the flight attendant stand up when he finds a doctor
(15)A I can take emergency measures Even a nurse or an oriental doctor would have a stomach like that
(16)Q. Can I declare death
(17)Do you want me to drop you off A
(18)Q: But if you have to go on strike, how would you do it
(19)They’re holding the patient hostage, and we’re at most a hostage to wisdom teeth
(20)I’m going to catch it
(21)Q. If there’s a patient who’s dying of a fatal tooth disease
(22)Just peel A’s milk
(23)Q. If you have any advice for the general public
(24)There are a lot of people who don’t know about A Scaling Health Insurance. Take it a lot


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