image text translation
(1) tolo00014 days ago modified
(2)Let me give you some advice
(3)If your husband’s words and actions are minions
(4)My wife is Nath
(5)You might think it’s not a big deal right now
(6)Yes, my wife said it was okay
(7)You could say that my wife is not that kind of person
(8)But every wife is Nath
(9)It could be Bronze Nass or Challenger Nass
(10)In the end, it’s Nass
(11)Even at this moment, with the minions my husband sent me
(12)He’s stacking up the stacks
(13)And that stack doesn’t go away forever
(1)And that stack doesn’t go away foreverimage text translation
(2)Don’t send minions
(3)The stack does not disappear
(4)All the minions who said it was okay at the time
(5)In time, 1200 Stack returns to Nass
(6)Let me give you some advice
(7)Never send minions