image text translation
(1)Korean Coca-Cola in 36 countries launched in 130 years
(2)the first case in history
(3)Input 202402202116 Correction 202402202359 Reporter Kim Soo-young
(1)Coca and coliimage text translation
(2)Refreshing favorite flavor
(3)Korean Coca-Cola in 836 countries for the first time in 130 years
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)8 Coca-Cola written in Korean on new Coca-Cola product
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)Kwon Jung-hyun, Managing Director, Coca-Cola Brand Marketing, Korea and Japan
(3)It’s a language that K-pop fans use
(4)I made a product name
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)The location of the logo and the part where the Korean logo is introduced
(3)It’s a design that I tried a lot of new things
(1)Let’s use Korean for the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)Selling Korean Coca Cola in 36 Countries…For the first time in Coca Cola’s history
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)8 Gucci’s brand name was designed in Korean and became a hot topic
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)K-Content Global Popularity…Formation of positive image in Korean
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)Lee Young-ae, professor of consumer studies at Incheon National University
(3)There’s no choice but to appear a lot in cultural contents
(4)Hangeul is very different from other cultural characters
(1)Korean Logo in Hallyu (Korean Wave) NEWROZ XOZSimage text translation
(2)So it’s a very exotic feeling that comes from there…
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)Indicate Korean company’s overseas sales product name in Korean
(1)Korean logo on the Korean Waveimage text translation
(2)Spicy chicken dumplings
(3)Mr. and Mrs. DOMMY
(4)8 Bibigo’s latest brand design changed with Hangeul
image text translation
Hangul is pretty
The name of the food
I think it’s better to use the Korean pronunciation