a situation where someone is genuinely angry while driving

a situation where someone is genuinely angry while driving

image text translation

(1)Sincerely while driving
(2)an angry situation
(3)1 A car parked roughly so my car wouldn’t pass through a narrow alleyway
(4)2 Pedestrians waiting for the crosswalk signal to come down from the road and wait
(5)3 Vehicles obstructing the view with a rear fog lamp high beam that does not fit the situation
(6)4 Stealth vehicles running with headlights on dark roads
(7)5 The vehicle in front of me in the first lane of the highway is driving at constant speed
(8)6 A vehicle that ignores the parking area while trying to park
(9)7 Interrupted in the next lane when the road is blocked
(10)8 A vehicle that cuts without turning on its turn signal
(11)9 You parked your car so you can’t get out
(12)a vehicle with no contact information left


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