the treatment left-handers received in the 90s

the treatment left-handers received in the 90s

image text translation

(1)9 February 1998 Mystery Court
(2)What do you think about being left-handed
(3)You think you’re an unfaithful child
(4)Since there are a lot of right-handed people, left-handed people are not normal
(5)September 12, 2004 KBS News
(6)I’m sad. I’m sad
(7)If you do that, good luck will come out
(8)Kim Sungwan is not fair
(9)He hit me and told me not to use my left hand
(10)I found a string and tied my left hand
(11)I’m really going to put it behind me
(12)I get kicked out for being unlucky
(13)August 22, 2008 KBS News
(14)Lee Heejin, a left-handed club owner
(15)If a left-handed person goes to a restaurant in the morning and eats breakfast
(16)Hold the fork in your left hand and Dana in your right hand
(17)I’ll hold the knife in my right hand
(18)The fork is lost in the left hand
(19)December 14, 1926 Chosun Ilbo
(20)In fact, the right hand usually means the right hand
(21)Joo Kang-hyun, Director of the Korean Folk Research Institute
(22)To say that I’m going to apply it with my right hand
(23)Joo Kang-hyun, Director of the Korean Folk Research Institute
(24)This means that my left hand is wrong
(25)There is deep-rooted discrimination against the left hand even in language


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