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a historical reason why Jews are hated


a historical reason why Jews are hated

image text translation

(1)Anti-Semitism was not created by the Nazis
(2)in Abrahamic religious countries
(3)It’s a hateful idea with deep roots
(4)Not only the Western Christian countries, but also the Islamic world, if nothing else
(5)It’s the hatred towards the Jews that comes together to unleash hatred
(6)an aversion to the exclusive monotheistic worship and popular consciousness of the B.C. period
(7)And from the moment Jesus was killed by the Jews
(8)For Christians, Jews are no different from the demonic people who killed Jesus
(9)But that’s just a cause, and in general, when society is in crisis
(10)People have the nature of wanting to find scapegoats and vent their anger
(11)I’m doing it
(12)The victim is Jewish, yeah
(13)I want to vent my anger, but there are only a few people like us
(14)There’s even a justification. We’re getting angry right now. Kill these guys!!
(15)This logic is established
(16)In addition, Jews are the ones who do jobs that most Christians are reluctant to do
(17)I had no choice
(18)The financial industry is representative of that
(19)a job that lends money and receives interest
(20)Since we weren’t supposed to receive the same Christian interest, among Jews
(21)The people took over it
(22)Unlike now, the avoidance of jobs that are hated by the level of financial farming is
(23)Because it was my karma
(24)Many people are going to make their living in the financial industry
(25)With the arrival of this hateful professional world, capitalism
(26)It’s amazing. It’s so famous
(27)It’s a conspiracy theory that’s linked to it, but it’s also a dominant position in the West
(28)Related to
(29)U.S. automaker and world’s first mass production system
(30)Even the famous Ford cars are linked to anti-Semitism
(31)Henry Ford’s
(32)an international Jew
(33)the most serious problem in the world
(35)I didn’t win it. I founded Ford Motor Co
(36)Even Henry Ford was a huge anti-Semite
(37)I’m going to give up the book that says there’s a lot of people in the world
(38)I believe in conspiracy theory, which is a first-rate Jewish conspiracy theory
(39)They say I can know something serious
(40)Anyway, since the Middle Ages of Western Europe, persecution of Jews has been a problem for you
(41)It was very intense
(42)So the relatively generous island nations of Britain and Eastern Europe
(43)a state of being in charge
(44)In terms of the percentage of the population, there are quite a lot of Jews in Poland and Russia
(45)I’m living here
(46)They became Poles, as is the case with the liberalization of their culture
(47)It might have been nice if I became a singer
(48)I didn’t lose my identity
(49)The rise of European nationalism in the 1800s
(50)In fact, it’s as if there’s a time bomb ready than the old days
(51)In the old days, persecution in the name of religious logic would have a scarier justification for adversity
(52)Minje is a race to family logic
(53)I’m going to turn the time closer to modern times
(54)If you go to the Russian Empire in the late 1800s
(55)Based on this, the largest Jewish university in history is going to gain weight
(56)The name for this is pogroms
(57)If you mean the Holocaust will burn you
(58)The pogrom is full of anger and hatred
(59)It started simple, but it was assassinated by the Russian emperor
(60)But the rumor of Jewish involvement in the assassination
(61)That’s why I decided to kill Yuya
(62)What do you mean, this is all I have to do
(63)As you can see here, this is just a justification, combined with Russian nationalism, which has been growing in traditional Korean hatred
(64)For the Jewish people, zero
(65)unleashing unruly anger and hatred
(66)E! Did the Jewish junk kill our tsar! Look into your lunchboxes
(67)Oh, it should be!
(68)It’s like this
(69)The Russian authorities need to stop this
(70)virtual acquiescence or sympathy
(71)There is also a rise in socialist ideas in the Republican state, so I’m distracted by the fact that attention is being paid to both sides
(72)I’m a man of honor. I’m a man of death
(73)calculating the strategies of the war
(74)So in the Russian Empire, in fact, the Jewish people are the socialist forces
(75)Those ghastly Jews are trying to ruin the empire with communist ideas!
(76)I even sprinkled propaganda like this
(77)I’m going to be really active with the feeling of pouring out hundreds of firewood
(78)This propaganda was shipped from Eastern Europe to Central Europe
(79)This kind of Jewish-communist theory is because Nazi Hitler put up with it. It’s because Jewish babies, these were red babies
(81)A mountain that has absorbed the Jewish Communist theory for the last time with its high possession of traditional anti-Semitic ideology and German nationalism
(82)Jews are communicative
(83)Karl Marx-Leon Trotsky
(84)Of course, it doesn’t work if you incite someone with a lie that you don’t have at all
(85)The whole world is trying to conquer the communist world just by the fact that the communist godfather Marx and the famous communist revolutionary Trotsky are Jewish! It’s a huge over-package. It’s a fact that makes 90 exaggerations
(86)It’s a technique that’s within the Russian Empire
(87)I used it
(88)Anyway, the Jews who are oppressed by the Russian Empire, let’s go west to west Europe! When you say something together, a lot of Jews decide on Germany


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