the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community

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(1)Jeongok-ri fist ax and
(2)Japan’s Paleolithic Antiquities Manipulation Case
(3)Reporter Seo Seong-cheol of Yeoncheon-gun Blog Reporters Group
(5)a fabricated thing”
(6)Mainichi Newspaper Report
(7)The Mainichi Shimbun reported on the 4th that the ruins of Hokkaido Sinsofudodoka, which were originated by Shinichi Fujimura, former vice president of the Tohoku Institute of Paleolithic Culture, the main character of last year’s fabrication of Paleolithic artifacts, were found to have been fabricated after a recent rediscovery
(8)Director Fujimura was caught on a camera installed during the management period when he buried stone tools after digging at the site of the excavation of the remains of Manjeongri caught by Kamidakamo ○ camera in the early morning of the 22nd of last month. Courtesy of the Mainichi Shimbun
(9)2000116 Chosun Ilbo
(10)700,000-Year-Old Relics Manipulated
(11)Shinichi Fujimura, the head of the investigation team, was caught in a hidden camera in advance of the excavation team leader
(12)–50 Tohoku Paleolithic Culture Research Institute vice president said he filmed a video of digging a pit and burying stone tools alone at a historic site in the early morning of the 22nd of last month, and Fujimura also admitted to the manipulation
(13)This year, other ruins are also fabricated… archaeological shock
(14)Some of Japan’s electrical remains excavated more than 700,000 years ago have been found to have been manipulated, shocking the Japanese archaeological communityThe Mainichi 5-day excavation newspaper is
(15)Kamitakamori, Miyagi 宮 Castle Prefecture, which received worldwide attention for proving the existence of Paleolithic culture
(16)The investigation team found the site late last month

Japan fell into inferiority and obsession with the era of Japan’s early Paleolithic period when relics of the Old Stone Age were found in Jeongok-ri, Yeoncheon-gun, Korea

Finally, when an archaeologist buried a fist ax in advance and dug where he pointed, the relics were excavated and called “God’s Hand” and discovered by the Mainichi Shimbun

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community
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(1)2 of the good people
(2)Movie City Yeoncheon

On November 5, 2000, the Japanese historical community vividly showed how they had manipulated history This fact could have been revealed to the world by the Mainichi Shimbun’s successful video recording of Shinichi Fujimura, the head of the excavation investigation team and vice president of the Tohoku Paleolithic Culture Research Institute, digging a pit and burying alone at the site in the early morning of the 22nd of last month

It was a private technique that astonished the world, which was nothing more than a criminal act of manipulating historical facts itself beyond the level of distorting history to his advantage

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community
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The site of historical fabrication is the site of the Kamitakamori Sanga 森 in Miyagi 宮 Castle, which raised Japan’s Paleolithic culture to 700,000 years ago

A Japanese archaeological team announced in late October that it had discovered 31 700,000-year-old stone tools at the site The discovery garnered the attention of the world’s archaeological community by proving the existence of an electric Paleolithic civilization in Japan

He himself admitted to the fabrication Fujimura, a figure who has been called the hand of God in Japanese archaeology as he has raised the Paleolithic Age with a series of stone excavations, said, “I said that I did not manipulate the excavations before last year, but academia believes that many of the artifacts he found were likely manipulated.”

Fujimura’s excavation did not end with questions about the stone tools being excavated through him all the time There were natural questions that seemed strange to anyone, such as, “There was dry soil on the stone tools that were dug up just now,” and “The method of exclusion was not hundreds of thousands of years ago.” However, the Japanese archaeological community ignored this and, moreover, did not try to verify it, but this time, it was caught up in this incident Moreover, it was said that the ridiculous manipulation of history was not his one-man play

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community
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(1)good people’s
(2)Film City Light Blue

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community

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Japan is now mired in a collective historical complex. From ancient times to the Middle Ages to modern times, Japan, which had benefited from cultural benefits, is not satisfied with its current advanced position and is tempted to turn past history into its domination Even if it were Imna and Japan, it was claimed that they had their own colonies on the Korean Peninsula in ancient times This idea would have led to the idea of the Greater Asia Public sphere during the Japanese colonial period As long as Japan manipulates history, Japan cannot become an advanced country forever

In the world’s archaeological history, archaeologists were so obsessed with excavating skulls and artifacts that they often manipulated them These manipulations were in Africa and in India However, there has never been a nationalist case like Japan to promote their cultural solidarity

Perhaps Japan has a number of challenges that must be reasonably resolved in the future, such as changing the contents of the textbook. Pan-academic efforts to regain trust from the world’s academia should also be carried out at the same time In particular, the humanities, including history, are expected to be hit hard It is because of its integrity that academics have authority over other sectors What is the point of academic loss if it loses its integrity? Japan will have to reflect on the truth across the nation

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community
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(1)Jeongokri fist ax. European fist ax
(2)Found in the construction site of Jeongok Jugong Apartment, French baby fist ax

Even now, Japanese archaeologists are working on finding the remains and relics of the Electric Stone Age to overcome prehistoric partial inferiority and complex toward Korea and China The big event that gave me that compulsion was the discovery of an electric stone tool called JEONGOK HANDAXE, or the discovery of an Ashlian-type fist axe in 1978

Japanese Envy Makes an Unprecedented Archaeological Scam Found The ruins of Jeongok-ri, Yeoncheon, are a representative historic site in East Asia, and their existence alone is of great significance

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community
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(1)In 1981, Japan discovered artifacts of Shinichi Fujimura
(2)The first human species in Japan appeared 700,000 years ago
(3)He even published a textbook saying it had been provenBut this is what Shinichi Fujimura said
(4)It was discovered that it was a pre-buried relic and disappeared like a bubbleSince then, no one in Japan has spoken of this happening

the events that smashed the Japanese archaeological community

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(1)Then, the history of Japan
(2)It’s going to be a lot longer!
(3)I’m like this
(4)Does history change

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