Maeva, a French woman who was famous for spicy chicken noodles

Maeva, a French woman who was famous for spicy chicken noodles

image text translation

(1)a differentiated product

Maeva, a French woman who was famous for spicy chicken noodles

image text translation

(1)I’ll give it to you
(2)My name is Maeva
(3)It’s been 7 years since I lived in Korea
(4)I came to Korea as an exchange student and naturally did an internship
(5)I’m in middle school
(6)That’s why I’m picking it up
(7)I had an internship in Korea
(8)I’m doing it
(9)It’s aphasia
(10)I naturally got a job like this
(11)I started living in Korea
(12)And it’s already been 7 years
(13)It’s a video that everyone watched
(14)How did you film that video
(15)With my colleagues
(16)a co-worker
(17)They told me to try it in front of the convenience store
(18)How did you come to Korea
(19)I’m a medical doctor
(20)I went to medical school and went to Los Angeles
(21)My roommate was Korean
(22)Karaoke White
(23)New Korean BBQ
(24)● bakery consistency
(25)Hair News Hair Salon
(26)We got close and went to Koreatown together
(27)Koreatown was really cool
(28)And I ate bibimbap, too
(29)It was so much fun
(30)I learned Korean in an hour
(31)So I said, “Please read the menu.”
(32)Give them.
(33)Bibimbap, please It was so much fun doing it like this
(34)So I went back to France
(35)I changed my major and went as an exchange student
(36)I came as an exchange student and went to a language school in the morning
(37)I took a class in the afternoon
(38)I heard 1550 hours in 10 months
(39)You’re working at a Korean company
(40)Yes, it’s a trading company
(41)It’s the marketing planning team
(42)I imported some famous French syrup
(43)I distributed it like this
(44)Vanilla syrup at a cafe
(45)It’s the syrup that’s used a lot in cafes
(46)Every cafe makes a lot of milk
(47)Work environment in the country and what kind of work environment in our country
(48)It’s going to be a comparison
(49)At first, when I went to work
(50)It was a start-up, so it was really good
(51)It’s global
(52)I didn’t feel much difference in culture
(53)Work payment
(54)Later, I moved to another company
(55)There were very few people who could speak English
(56)It’s my first time being a foreigner
(57)I felt a lot of cultural differences
(58)For example
(59)At first, for 2 weeks
(60)Yes, yes. 00 won. 993 years old. JumvOw
(61)Or I’m going to France for three weeks
(62)Year 86-000E7997
(63)But this doesn’t fit Korean culture
(64)So I was angry at that time
(65)If you want to live like a slave
(66)It’s MIR
(67)Live like a slave!!!!
(68)I won’t do that!!!!
(69)Maeva is hotter than stir-fried rice
(70)It’s popular
(71)I went to the company with my bag on


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