Review of Blind Date by Current Developers

Review of Blind Date by Current Developers

image text translation

(1)Blah blah for 2 hours
(2)He’s an incumbent developer, and he said he’s good at computers
(3)When I see ordinary people doing that
(4)Why is it so ridiculous;;
(5)If you ask me what I’m good at with the computer
(6)He is good at analyzing data He said this
(7)The program I’m barely using is Excel;;
(8)Or at least write python and talk about it;;
(9)Or don’t say you’re good at computers in front of me as a developer
(10)I went on a blind date yesterday, and I got angry when I heard about it, so I came home. Yeah
(11)Personalized turnover by job category is blind-hire
(12)Do you want to use a blind date app made by Blind? Only office workers can use it here
(13)Please leave a comment
(14)Non-disclosure of company name
(15)You were kicked out on a blind date
(16)Good. 22
(17)It’s a safety assessment lab, POSI
(18)You’re good at summarizing one line
(19)Good. 5
(20)Lol, he’s
(21)Seoul Metropolitan Transportation Corporation · Illitlbo
(22)The reaction showed that it was bitter
(23)I’m winning my mind
(24)Good. 7


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