image text translation
(1)Lee Seong-ryul 16 hours – ③
(2)I don’t know if the presidential security is looking for a part-time job
(3)I didn’t know that!
(4)It’s about 120,000 won per hour~~~~
(1)⑧ Carrot part-time jobimage text translation
(2)Honey part-time job! KAIST University’s bodyguard part-time job!!
(3)Keystone Yuhan Kimberly · 12 hours ago
(4)an hourly wage of 12,000 won
(5)See tomorrow’s Friday
(6)Hurry! I’m going to work as a security guard tomorrow!!
(7)Venue of the event: KAIST University
(8)Security work related to the acceptance of a degree in business
(9)Event time ends at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m
(10)Pay p60000 total of 5 hours
(11)Payment on Monday after finishing work
(12)12 people
(13)Clothes White Suit Shirt Black Suit Pants
(14)Black Socks Black Socks White Socks X
(15)I’ll fix it with hair wax
(16)Over-dyeing X Long hair X
(17)Name at the time of application
(18)Make sure to write your contact information
I thought he was a bit small for the bodyguards
Carrot part-timer to plant young people
It’s you
It’s like a fortune teller