image text translation
(1)Truth Proclaimer Truth 2 Proclaimer Truth 1
(2)Truth Proclaimer Truth 2 Prophet 2
(3)Truth 2 Prophet Truth 2 Prophet
(4)Truth Proclaimer Truth 2 Proclaimer
(5)Truth 2 Prophet Truth 2 Prophet
(6)Truth 2 Prophet
Stored well in folder
It’s arranged like that
In addition to that, fifty snails, ten thousand, thousand, ten thousand, ten thousand, one thousand, one thousand, one thousand, one thousand, one thousand, one thousand
image text translation
(1)Declaration of Truth 240217 1515 Reply Recommendation 01 Opposite 3
(2)Oh, that’s scary But there are more than one or two people who know why such anti-threats don’t work. Some people used a strange method of finding the location when you open an e-mail, and some people made a fake complaint and said, “What if you don’t delete your ID right away?” And there were dozens of times like this. But it didn’t work. I’m like you guys
(3)I don’t get sick of dying if I don’t go over it or swear, and I’m rational and have a high understanding of myself, so I have self-control. Unlike you guys, even if you do that for a hundred days, it doesn’t work for me lol
I’ve deleted the comment. I’ve said that there’s an automatic capture function that always runs in the background. Of course, it’s annoying to take 2 to 3 minutes