An artificial fish of some ethnic minority.jpg

An artificial fish of some ethnic minority.jpg

image text translation

(1)Jangmun Shin Secret Language 00 211206
(2)View 29342 Comments 3744
(3)[Crying 25020]
(4)There are many languages in the world
(5)Most of the languages are cultural, ethnic, and geographical characteristics
(6)It’s natural language
(7)There’s an artificial word that was developed for a special purpose
(8)It consists of a combination of languages 0 and 1 that can be read and executed by a computer itself Without expertise in the internal structure of a computer, it is very difficult to write a program or correct errors2 There is a language created for common use in many countries around the world, such as an espresso map
(9)It’s an artificial word for literature, like the Elf language in The Lord of the Rings
(10)There are international languages developed for the purpose of simplifying complex language systems or for the purpose of the world’s public language
(11)For more information, Namuwiki
(12)If you look at it like this, making a language artificially is a language that has developed linguistics
(13)I think it’s a language fan’s culture that only comes out after modern times
(14)There’s one subject that mankind has been madly obsessed with since ancient times
(15)It’s religion
(16)Just looking at the picture above, religion is obsessed with symbols
(17)Because of this obsession, there were a lot of geeks who also touched the language
(18)The Islamic and Jewish mystic schools have tried to do this
(19)But this kind of language was kind of a code for them
(20)It’s just an unusual attempt, and it’s only used for minorities
(21)People thought that
(22)Julian rassmusen 1965 in Sarnen~
(23)a translational rhetorician
(24)Until this guy found something
(25)He was born a little unusual, but his ancestors were Bulgarian, but the Soviet Union
(27)My parents immigrated to Switzerland and are Swiss
(28)In 2011, this person visited his hometown and took a vacation in the eastern part of Bulgaria for 14 years
(29)in the middle of the road
(30)I heard that I saw people making a lot of noise in the corner of the bar
(31)I think these people speak Bulgarian
(32)a sentence consisting of unusual and unfamiliar words
(33)There were more than one or two strange things, such as phonemes that were not in Bulgarian or Turkish
(36)With this egg
(38)Naturally, they speak the language of the Bulgarian minority
(39)That’s what I felt
(40)Through conversation, they’re about 140 kilometers from this station
(41)I found out I came from Shivgura village
(42)And the weirdness of this language begins to emerge one after another

An artificial fish of some ethnic minority.jpg

image text translation

(1)Most of a word consists of two syllables
(2)More than 80 per cent of the words such as Juknshnp eye elu Darawe are two syllables
(3)There are significantly fewer three-syllable words and the weirdness shines in compound words
(4)It is coined in a two-syllable four-syllable eight-syllable way with each root attached
(5)There are words of unknown origin
(6)In basic vocabulary words such as “bad”, “dark”, and “low”
(7)No similarities can be found in the neighbouring provinces or other Slavic lines
(8)It means using a whole new word
(9)3 There is no word referring to body parts
(10)There are no individual words that refer to even the sensory parts of the eyes, mouth, hand, etc
(11)Instead, it explains which part of the body is vaguely through its location
(12)For example, the left hand is the left in the middle of the body
(13)What is this unusual language
(14)Julian got a migraine because of one curiosity
(15)Was the villagers trying to kid him as a group
(16)But after three years of research, Julian was
(17)draw a very surprising and unusual conclusion
(18)It’s a religious group that doesn’t die out
(19)The conclusion is that it’s been going on for a very long time
(20)In the process, the language they used as a code
(21)It became the native language of the region
(22)As time went by, the number of people gradually decreased to about 40 people
(23)Jesus, if you mess with me, you’ll die
(24)That’s what happened
(25)After Julian’s persistent research and surveys
(26)The fact that they had a different religion
(27)confided in
(28)This strange religion is a little bit of a mix of Abrahamic religions
(29)Christian principles had the highest proportion
(30)First of all, we deny the Trinity
(31)To see God as the creation god Yahweh and the flesh-flower newcomer
(32)The reason for this is that there is no posture, but it seems that the Holy Spirit is seen as a tool
(33)He’s a guitar school
(34)The current speculation is that almost every word has two syllables
(35)Read the Bible
(36)This is the year 7000 Guunaji (a traditional Korean word)
(37)a competition for creative science
(38)This is not the end of maniacal belief
(39)This language was born only because of that reason
(40)Why are there words that I’ve never seen before
(41)The reason for this is that the word’s antonym is designated as a basic unit
(42)Because it’s decided at the end of the day
(43)The method is also strange
(44)It’s like crying Zate if it’s a taze
(45)This is where words of unknown origin come from
(46)Mystically, this religion cannot be called Christianity
(47)In this religion, the god dn is written in two lowercase letters
(48)Only Christianity is fundamentally devoid of biblical content in their religion
(49)Many doctrines faded over the years
(50)I didn’t leave any scriptures or phrases
(51)Are these just blankets or fraternities
(52)a new bell brought in
(53)leaving unsolved mysteries behind
(54)All of these investigations have been stopped by a single incident
(55)Julian is missing
(56)I’ll just tell my family that I’m going on another trip
(57)He has been missing for a long time
(58)What the hell happened
(59)Because this whole thing was just Gura
(60)I just used it once
(61)httpsthispersondoesnotexistcom randomly generated this, Mr. Julian
(62)The map is a capture of Bulgarian pictures anywhere
(63)These days, there’s an atmosphere where you trust long information


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