image text translation
(1)Guide Dogs Survive 77 Sundae Alley Across The Country
(2)You Quiz!!
(3)Are guide dogs trained as soon as they are born
(4)77 animals nationwide
(5)Guide Dog Overcomes Sundae Alley
(6)up to eight weeks old
(7)Living with mom and dad
(8)I’m sending a consignment out after every week
(9)”Fan ID” said, “Blessed, who was in charge of Puppy Walking
(10)The blessing of being the guide
(11)Data provided by Financial News
(13)Puppy Walking is an unpaid volunteer
(14)You Quiz!
(16)All expenses are supported by the Guide Dog School
(17)PD Walker plays a role in society
(18)77 animals nationwide
(19)25 Gyudol training dogs and go to various places
(20)I’m going to win the guide dog, the Sundae Alley
(21)an egg corner
(22)Showing, playing, and making me feel it
(23)Puppy-walking puppy
(24)It’s going to happen, but it’s going to happen
(1)77 animals nationwideimage text translation
(2)Guide Dog Overcomes Sundae Alley
(3)Puppy walking is usually
(4)It’s about 14 to 16 months
(5)I’ll take this big kkomul with me
(6)Source: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd
(7)Information Exhibition School
(8)Honey drips on your face ▼
(9)You kiss!!
(10)It’s a visual that makes you happy
(11)Source: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd
(12)The whole family is on their way
(13)You Quiz
(14)in terms of human age
(15)from a young age
(16)I’m taking care of you until you become an adult
(17)a school I met
(18)Puppy-walking has ended
(19)The day the dog returns
(20)You Quiz!
(21)a puppy that doesn’t come back after time
(22)Puppy Walker called the next day
(23)a guide dog that overcame a sundae alley
(24)I don’t have the confidence to break up crying
(25)U-quiz! I’ve won the guide
(26)Guide Dog School
(27)Lastly, DONGHAE’s farewell trip
(28)Tears Sea Puppy Walker
(1)Guide Dogs Survive 77 Sundae Alley Across The Countryimage text translation
(2)You Quiz!!
(3)Training dogs, on the other hand
(4)77 animals nationwide
(5)Guide Dog Overcomes Sundae Alley
(6)If I say, “Let’s go in now,”
(7)You Quiz!
(8)It’s been so hard for a year
(9)I did everything while trying to cover the floor space
(10)They’re going away without lingering feelings
(11)Puppy Walker E
(12)He’s so sad. He’s so mean
(13)You Quiz!
(14)Information Exhibition School
(15)Retire when you’re about 10 years old
(16)Kkomul, who was a puppy walking
(17)You Quiz
(18)When I retire, I take him back
(19)the kkomul days
(20)From a puppy-walking family
(21)The wise guide who came back from retirement
(22)Source: Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd