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Shocking human science and technology update jpg


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(1)25-Year Clinical Study on Genetic Modification of Pigs with Human Transplant Organs in Korea
(2)a daily newspaper
(3)1921 OECD
(4)A piglet with genetically modified organs for transplantation in humans was born on the 11th for the first time in Korea Heterologous transplantation over species wall is expected to lead to new transplant care
(5)Coco is the point
(6)Q. What kind of pig
(7)A normal pig organs have a severe rejection reaction when transplanted into humans This pig is said to have 10 pig genes modified to suppress this
(8)Source Asahi Shimbun Digital 213 Episode

Making pigs compatible with human organs

Pigs are compatible with humans

image text translation

(1)It’s a pig

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