My mom told me to cut the hand of the kid who helped me when I was bullied

My mom told me to cut the hand of the kid who helped me when I was bullied

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(1)More real-time ranking
(2)My mom told me to bow out to her when I was bullied
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(5)When I was bullied and bullied
(6)I can’t throw him away because he’s the only one who’s been by my side during a hard time
(7)When he was in middle and high school, he didn’t adjust to school
(8)I was bullied and bullied a lot
(9)He was the only one who held my hand
(10)I was so tired that I even thought about dying
(11)If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be in this world right now
(12)I’m so thankful that he gave me his last touch when I was on the edge of the cliff
(13)But I don’t know how he ended up, but he’s in jail for fraud, and he says it’s two years
(14)So I’ve been visiting a lot, and I’ve put in 500,000 won in detention, and I’ve written a resale application He’s been writing letters, taking care of me if I need anything, and supporting me
(15)There’s one. The members in the same room made good friends
(16)I’m jealous
(17)Her mom thanked me and bought me a meal
(18)I said thank you so much
(19)But my mom told me to cut her off
(20)You’re not supposed to be around those people
(21)You asked me why Annie, who went to jail for fraud, took care of me
(22)He told me to take care of myself
(23)I don’t know what happened
(24)I’m the only one left next to him
(25)Everyone else ran out
(26)I asked my other friends
(27)I cheated on my friends, too
(28)I heard that everyone lost their money because of the amount of money
(29)But I didn’t touch it because I kept my loyalty
(30)I don’t know if I should do it
(31)I still don’t know. When I was in middle and high school
(32)I wonder how the friend who was pushing me became like that
(33)Because you were there for me when I was having a hard time
(34)I also need to be around her when she’s having a hard time
(35)I think that’s what I think right now
(36)BEFL, 202312211916
(37)You did as much as you wanted I’ll hang up. If I get out of prison, I’ll give you a gift someday
(38)I’m going to stick to it, but you can’t accept it It’s hard to approach a lonely person and cry for the rest of your life
(39)It’s a characteristic of a person like that
(40)baffle ㅇ2020231221 1913
(41)You’re a benefactor, but you’re just a criminal to people
(42)20231221 1836
(43)If you don’t do it, you’ll be the next victim of the scam. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
(45)Yes, that’s why you’re so nice to meYou’re the only one who’ll take out liver, gallbladder, and everything because I’m the only one
(46)A world without abhorrence 202312211711
(47)It takes more courage to reach out to bullying as a student than to reach out to a criminal
(48)I think so. Even if I’m prepared to be cheated, it’s not good to have romanticism where I reach out to you
(49)I don’t think I did


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