An actor who was famous for “SNU’s Dog Bird X.”

An actor who was famous for "SNU's Dog Bird X."

image text translation

(1)I said 89
(2)It’s 891 years old
(3)I got the question right after retaking it
(4)Most of the students in the 90s are the target group!
(5)Legendary student number 89
(6)We went to school in ’90s and got a furniture ride
(7)Compared to the 89th grade
(8)90th grade juniors who were plain
(9)You hit me a lot
(10)Jung Woongin is
(11)I’m not sure if you’re going to give me a stoner ride
(12)·Reasons for ownership or filial piety
(13)I couldn’t stand the bullying
(14)Jung Woong-in’s Shin Dong-yeop ran out of the club!!
(15)·Ownings, Hyolyn, Jung Woong-in, and Lee Yu-bi
(16)Jung Woongin! When I was in college
(17)He was the devil’s senior
(18)a rumor of Jeong Woong-in
(19)A horrible sight unfolding in Dua!!
(20)I still remember that day
(21)I called Ahn Jaewook
(22)The power was off!
(23)If I’m not good at it, I’ll punish you
(24)a refrigerated run
(25)I think he did something memorable to Ahn Jaewook
(26)I wanted to relieve my feelings of sorry


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