image text translation
(1)Blabla 15 hours Dongbu Construction fkfmdsjn
(2)The electric leakage keeps going down in the country house
(3)If I call KEPCO, will they come and repair it
(4)It’s my parents’ house
(5)I’m not an electrician
(6) Korea Electric Power Corporation
image text translation
(1)Korea Electric Power Corporation and Korea Compulsory Return Corporation
(2)KEPCO won’t take care of the inside of the house
(3)Call a full-time electrical contractor
(4)Good. 13
(5)Dongbu Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. fkfmdsjn
(6)It’s going to be expensive
(7)Then you can’t use electricity
(8)Good. 34
(9)Dongbu Construction fkfmdsjn
(10)Look at the old man’s house. He’s alone, and he’s gonna get ripped off
(11)Korea Electric Power Corporation xndkw
(12)Why didn’t you pay attention to it earlier and prevent it in advance
(13)Good. 41
(14)Korea Electric Power Corporation / ilj1ijli
(15)Ptsd is wonderful. I’m already feeling sorry for the branch manager
image text translation
(1)Korea Electric Power Corporation lijilinj
(2)The refrigerator is broken at home, so we need to call the manufacturer, AS, to fix it to KEPCO
(3)It’s the same as asking for it
(4)Good. 26
(5)Dongbu Construction fkfmdsjn
(6)I’ll call the branch office I don’t know if they call me a Lunar New Year
(7)Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) Korea Compulsory Return Corporation
(8)Why would I call the branch office
(9)Good. 61
(10)Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) ilji jlii
(11)I’m gonna call the governor and tell him something
(12)I explained it to you. The refrigerator is broken, so the power doesn’t work
(13)Why do you ask KEPCO to watch it
(14)Good. 35
image text translation
(1)Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) yepo
(2)Elderly people who live alone can catch fire if the short circuit breaker keeps going down at their parents’ house, so they’re looking for KEPCO to save money without calling a full-time job, right
(3)Good. 64
(4)Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) Korea Compulsory Return Corporation
(5)If you call a full-time employee, you’ll be able to solve it quickly
(6)Good. 20
(7)The staff at the branch office complained, saying that it’s a waste of money for their children to change the breakers at their parents’ home, and if they’re KEPCO employees, they should do it for them lol
(8)Good. 14
(9)Korea Electric Power Corporation and Korea Compulsory Return Corporation
(10)Laughing Please do it for me. It’s driving me crazy
(11)I want to separate the meter from the second stage
(12)Good. 9
(13)Dongbu Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. fkfmdsjn
(14)Please do it for me. I’m not like that
image text translation
(1)Dongbu Construction fkfmdsjn
(2)You don’t run an old man’s house
(3)Good. 1
(4)Housing Management Corporation jj
(5)KEPCO is only in charge of the primary side of electricity transmission and distribution, but the generation’s electricity failure
(6)Eun is not in charge of KEPCO
(7)If a circuit breaker falls in an apartment, why would you call the maintenance office
(8)Good. 30
(9)Dongbu Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. fkfmdsjn
(10)Look at the housing