Goosebumps, Stroke, Cerebral infarction Late

Goosebumps, Stroke, Cerebral infarction Late

image text translation

(1)Everyone, take care of your health I almost died
(3)Go. Go
(4)Recommendation 2 Inquiry 2133 Ripple 42
(5)I was working fine, and I felt sleepy like I was having food coma
(6)I remember stretching
(7)After that, I don’t remember and I feel uncomfortable inside
(8)When I woke up, my co-worker was shaking me
(9)I was stretching out and suddenly I put my arms down and turned my head to the side, and the colleague next to me asked if I was tired. But I didn’t answer, but I moved to the side
(10)My colleague next to me pulled my jaw right away, and my tongue was drying, so I pressed it and another colleague shook my chest to wake me upYes, I really don’t remember at all When I woke up, my throat was burning, my dizziness, and I was fine after five minutes, but I couldn’t tell if I had lost my mind, except that my vision was as blurry as if I had taken off my glasses
(11)After a while, I got better, so I left early and am on my way to the hospital Everyone, be careful If this happened to me alone, I wouldn’t even know I was going to die and I would have died
(12)the latter stages of a stroke
(13)Recommended 118 Inquiry 28037 Ripple 133
(14)I’m the writer of this essay
(15)I’m writing a review because I thought it would be helpful to many people
(16)I had intermittent eye tremors from June 29th to 30thAt that time, I thought I was lacking magnesium, so I took nutritional supplements
(17)On the morning of July 1, while I was wearing shoes to go to work, my legs were loosened for a moment, but I didn’t feel anything wrong
(18)I was stretching around 17:00 on July 1st and lost consciousness for a moment
(19)Fortunately, my colleagues pressed my tongue, supported my head, and massaged my chest, so I quickly came back to consciousness
(20)I had no memory at all and had no abnormal symptoms other than a brief blur of vision, so I went to the hospital after work
(21)The team leader who lost his father to a stroke took him to the hospital right away
(22)The link above was written right before departure I thought it was okay at the time, so I wrote it down without thinking about it
(23)It took about 25 to 30 minutes by car to get to the hospital from work, but I didn’t know that I suddenly saw two things in the box from just before arriving at the hospital, so I didn’t know that I was talking in a weird way, but the team leader noticed right away The symptoms started and as soon as I arrived at the emergency room, the team leader told me the symptoms, so I went down to the CT scan right away
(24)As a result of the test, it was determined that he had a stroke due to blood clots, and he is hospitalized after melting blood clots due to medication I don’t usually drink and smoke, and I came to the hospital really quickly after the symptoms occurred, so there are few aftereffects My right toe feels a bit dull, but I’m recovering fast
(25)Now that I think about it, the symptoms of eye tremors and leg relaxation were all precursors I’m writing because I hope everyone reading this will not miss it and help you get treatment on time

Goosebumps, Stroke, Cerebral infarction Late

image text translation

(1)If your parents think it’s weird, go to the hospital
(2)My mom asked me three times who sent the package to my front door the day before yesterday
(3)I thought I was going to study because I’m old
(4)I feel uncomfortable thinking about it, so I don’t know how to self-diagnose dementia on the internet
(5)I searched it, showed it, and I told my mom to try it
(6)I went to the bathroom for a bit
(7)My mom was watching TV
(8)Mom, I’m done
(9)What are you doing when I asked
(10)At that moment, it was scarier than any horror movie I’ve ever seen
(11)You don’t remember what I just gave you to self-diagnose dementia
(12)But I didn’t do that until 30 minutes ago
(13)I don’t have any knowledge of medicine, but all of a sudden I’m in a state like this
(14)It’s not dementia that’s getting worse, it’s something wrong with your brain
(15)So I dragged my mom to the hospital
(16)They kept asking me where I was going
(17)Even though you answered
(18)I went to the ER and got tested, and they said I had a cerebral infarction
(19)But it’s early detection and medication is possible, and you can be discharged within a week
(20)If I thought, “I guess it’s because I’m old…” If I moved on
(21)It could have been a disaster.
(22)If you think there’s something wrong with your parents, go to the hospital right away
(23)It’s not a big deal, but if you say you’re being overconfident, it’s enough
(24)I remember everything after I got my shot, so I even tell them to eat the instant rice when they get home
(25)My hands are still shaking when I think about what I do on TV
(26)Anonymous 6 best
(27)That’s a relief. You found it in the beginning


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