image text translation
(1)TIP for safe driving on the way home: Getting enough sleep the day before. Open windows periodically to prevent ventilation sleepiness. Avoid food medication. Use stretching acupressure sleep prevention products when resting at rest areas or shelters
(2)anti-drowsiness gum
(3)Anti-drowsiness gum LOL
(4)the symbol of the sea
(5)I was wondering who would get a holiday gift with a plastic bag
(6)2 apples apiece
(7)You said you were going to do Lotteria
(8)Burger set at Lotteria that the owner’s younger brother does
(9)It’s a little messy every time I pick it up
(10)Toothpaste and soap
(11)Berno’s dog, ㅆ
(12)They sent me a picture of two olive oil
(13)2 canola oil