a traditional French New Year’s celebration

a traditional French New Year's celebration

image text translation

(1)In Strasbourg, France, on the 1st local time, a car
(2)be ablaze by fire Strasbourg Reuters=Newsys
(3)Controversy also continued over the disclosure of the number of cases amid another French tradition of entering the new year due to vehicle arson
(4)1193 Cars Set Fire, Central France On New Year’s Day
(5)A vehicle was set ablaze in Strasbourg, France, on Wednesday local time Strasbourg
(6)REUTERS= French tradition of welcoming the new year due to the arson of the Newsis vehicle
(7)France’s New Year’s Car Fire Burned 1,000 Units
(8)PARIS = Yonhap News Correspondent Park Sung-jin = French New Year’s Day celebration by setting fire to a vehicle on the last day of December to end the year and welcome the new year
(9)1,000 units of saros
(10)New Year’s car arson attack in France damages 650 cars
(11)- KBS News
(12)201712 – Ending the year and entering the new year
(13)France’s bad practice of setting street vehicles on fire on the last day of December has again caused damage, according to the French Interior Ministry on the 1st
(14)French New Year’s Eve Car Fire Resurrects-Sky
(15)16 hours ago – in France, at the end of 2020 with a nose
(16)B New Year’s car arson tradition, which had been muted by the pandemic, was revived at the end of 2021 and 874 vehicles were burned
(17)650 French New Year’s car fires
(18)French New Year vehicle arson EPA = Yonhap News release photo
(19)Translate tweets
(20)It’s a tradition to set the car on fire in the new year
(21)The French Ministry of Internal Armed Forces
(22)With police labor and action
(23)Last year, it was 1316 units. This year, it was 874 units


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