Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

image text translation

(1)Today’s concern dog
(2)That’s amazing. Leo the Shiba dog
(3)The recipe
(4)The dog is great. It’s a nerve-wracking morning
(5)You’re in a crisis
(6)635 in the evening
(7)due to gestational anemia
(8)My mother’s guardian is in bed
(9)It’s a great morning routine
(10)Leo is a perfect 犬 with a personal talent
(11)You’re in a crisis
(12)All of a sudden, I’m going to bite my mom’s guardian
(13)It’s a close call, Leo 3
(14)It’s a brilliant morning routine
(15)830 in the evening
(16)If you get bitten
(17)It’s gonna be hard to take antibiotics
(18)Leo was wary of others
(19)It’s great. It’s a nerve-wracking morning
(20)with one’s guardian in one’s mouth
(21)Leo who ran away
(22)Why are you getting numb!
(23)Other family members, too
(24)Leo bites away without hesitation
(25)It’s a close call, Leo 2
(26)Even if you give me food in front of you
(27)a cutthroat breakfast 3
(28)That’s great. The reason Leo growled is because
(29)Until my mother’s guardian leaves
(30)the perimeter without stopping
(31)a cutthroat breakfast
(32)When I tried to clean up the feed, I bit it
(33)a mother’s guardian
(34)A baby is being born in June this year
(35)a thoughtful trainer
(36)Leo with two faces
(37)That’s great. Dad’s guardian’s home
(38)Sunday evening, 830
(39)a father’s guardian
(40)After being bitten hard by Leo at first
(41)Leo’s bite
(42)a state of trauma
(43)Rather, it’s hard to read the room
(44)Dad’s guardian who saw him
(45)It’s a great chase out of nowhere
(46)My dad’s guardian who can’t even see Leo’s eyes

Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

image text translation

(1)Pregnant women are in danger! Pregnant Leo
(2)That’s a great meeting with a trainer
(3)Leo, I’m coming to see you
(4)A meeting with an excellent trainer
(5)I’m wondering if there’s a great reason for the guardians
(6)I often imagine if my dog was hurt
(7)Pregnant Women Threatened Leopardy Leo
(8)Leo’s problem is heredity
(9)A meeting with an excellent trainer
(10)A dog like Leo
(11)improvement in relations with cynicism
(12)That’s a great meeting with a trainer
(13)You shouldn’t care about Leo
(14)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(15)All of a sudden
(16)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(17)I’m sorry. You were there
(18)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(19)in a dismissive tone
(20)Trainer Kang on Leo
(21)Pregnant women threatened! a royal Leo
(22)Locked down Leo’s hideout
(23)That’s great. The sortie therapy for Leo
(24)Leo is mistaken
(25)He thinks he’s amazing
(26)Pregnant Women Threatened Leopardy Leo
(27)Struggling to overcome his anger
(28)Pregnant women threatened! a royal Leo
(29)For example, it’s like this
(30)That’s great. The sortie therapy for Leo
(31)You have four legs
(32)I can do it
(34)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(35)Leo trying to hold on
(36)a leading trainer
(37)I’m going to bite this line
(38)If you keep biting
(39)You could break your teeth
(40)This is not your choice!
(41)Press harder so you don’t see the gap
(42)It’s broken. It’s standing well!
(43)Pregnant women are in danger! Pregnant Leo
(44)Someone like this has to raise him

Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

image text translation

(1)Pregnant women threatened! a royal Leo
(2)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(3)They’re good to each other, helping each other, and getting to know each other better
(4)Dog is great. Shock therapy for Leo. Pregnant women’s risk! Pregnant Leo
(5)You scold me, pressure me, point me out
(6)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(7)You might think it’s too much
(8)Pregnant women threatened! “J-Leo is a man of the same age”
(9)It’s unfortunate, but
(10)Leo is the type that benefits when he’s indifferent
(11)Leo needs to be raised like this
(12)To your dog
(13)The more affectionate the companion
(14)Pregnant women threatened Leo
(15)I’m going to hurt your heart
(16)More Companions
(17)Right, I get hurt
(18)It’s great.
(19)Leo gave me shock therapy

Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

image text translation

(1)Pregnant women threatened! Shock therapy for the wheeled leoreo
(2)A trainer who stares at Leo
(3)Dog is great shock therapy to Leo threatening pregnant women! a royal Leo
(4)Leo is
(5)I was staring at you
(6)Pregnant women are in danger! Pregnant Leo
(7)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(8)Hey! Why are you looking at me like that
(9)Pregnant women threatened! “J-Leo is a man of the same age”
(10)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(11)When the trainer approaches me
(12)Leo doesn’t blink at all
(13)Pregnant women are in danger! Pregnant Leo
(14)Press Leo with blocking
(15)Pregnant women threatened Leo
(16)Shock therapy for Leo
(17)a breathtaking situation
(18)a suddenly moving trainer
(19)Pregnant women threatened! a royal Leo
(20)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(21)Pregnant Women Threatened Leopardy Leo
(22)Pregnant Women Threatened Leopardy Leo
(23)the behavior of an unknown trainer

Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

image text translation

(1)Pregnant women are in danger! Pregnant Leo
(2)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(3)Pregnant women threatened! a royal Leo
(4)Shock therapy for Leo
(5)a breathtaking confrontation
(6)Pregnant Women Threatened Leopardy Leo
(7)Shock therapy for Leo
(8)I’m not going to tell you even after I go to my room
(9)Shock therapy for Leo
(10)Hey! I’m not going to tell you
(11)Pregnant women’s risk! Shock therapy for leoreo
(12)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(13)Pressuring Leo
(14)an atmospheric trainer
(15)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(16)Unfortunately, Leo
(17)He doesn’t even know how to act in the lower ranks
(18)except for anger
(19)Leo has never expressed his feelings before
(20)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(21)Let’s block it
(22)Leo who doesn’t resist
(23)This is the point
(24)Don’t take care of me even if I’m scared
(25)That’s a great shock therapy for Leo
(26)To your guardian
(27)Please save me until I express it
(28)not violence
(29)Keep the heavy atmosphere alive
(30)That’s great. Leo’s hidden main island
(31)as big as a snowball
(32)a foul-mouthed problem
(33)That’s great. Leo’s hidden main island
(34)If you pierce Greek yogurt, which is like baby skin
(35)That’s great. Leo’s hidden nature
(36)It’s 10 o’clock soon
(37)From a pretty baby face
(38)I don’t know if the fortune-telling will get this far
(39)That’s great. The trainer’s solution is
(40)If you don’t have a baby in your stomach yet
(41)Dogs are dangerous for pregnant women
(42)It’s great. Strong. The answer is that the trainer’s
(43)I’m sure you’ll tell me to work hard
(44)That’s great. The trainer’s solution is
(45)636 in the evening
(46)As of the day of filming
(47)There are only five months left until the birth
(48)Pregnant women threatened! a royal Leo
(49)If your dog is like this when your child is about to be born
(50)Dogs are a threat to pregnant women! Patton ㅊ Leo is great. The trainer’s solution
(51)The book is
(52)I won’t let you raise them
(53)That’s great. The solution is a haircut with Leo
(54)a mother’s guardian
(55)I didn’t feel good when I heard it in person
(56)Great. The solution is teeth with Leo
(57)I mean, there’s not one saddest word for me
(58)to live with someone

Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

image text translation

(1)Pregnant women threatened! a royal Leo
(2)Great. The solution is to break up with Leo
(3)A month before giving birth
(4)The dog is great. The solution is to break up with Leo
(5)Pregnant women are in danger! Pregnant Leo
(6)Leo shouldn’t be in this house
(7)Great. The solution is to break up with Leo
(8)The evening of the 9th, 635
(9)A word from a trainer who can’t break up
(10)When it comes to raising an upcoming child
(11)Pregnant women threatened! “J-Leo is a man of the same age”
(12)830 in the evening
(13)I hope there’s no fear or stress
(14)Pregnant women threatened! Leo, the wheeled 犬
(15)The solution is to break up with Leo
(16)I’m sorry
(17)Pregnant women threatened Leo
(18)830pm on the 9th
(19)I know how the guardian feels
(20)the sincerity that I best communicated to you
(21)Pregnant Women Threatened Leopardy Leo
(22)Great. The solution is teeth with Leo
(23)On the 9th, at 10 PM
(24)Most of the family I’ve suggested this to me
(25)Do you know what kind of choice I’m making
(26)I want to go somewhere else and get used to it
(27)I want to train him and send him
(28)encouraged to part ways
(29)the common reaction of guardians
(30)That’s great. The solution is to get a haircut with Leo
(31)If I send Leo somewhere else right now
(32)Great. The solution is to break up with Leo
(33)The only thing you can do is spin the bomb
(34)through training
(35)Preparing for Adoption
(36)If it’s five months
(37)Training required before childbirth
(38)Leone Environmental Improvement Project
(39)Great space separation
(40)Even if we raise Leo together after being born
(41)I’m not going to blame you
(42)Let’s say Leo and
(43)If we choose to stay together
(44)Never leave a baby with you

Kang Hyung-wook, teaching Shiba dog who bites pregnant women

image text translation

(1)The best growl of all time
(2)Good. Hope is an aggression control drill
(3)I can put someone there
(4)Don’t put a muzzle on me!
(5)The best growl 犬 of all time
(6)Good. Hope is an aggression control drill
(7)I can’t keep a dog!
(8)the greatest growl of all time
(9)Great hope is aggression control training –
(10)You can’t raise Hope
(11)I don’t like everyone who likes dogs
(12)I like people who raise them well


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