Brian jpg who saw his album sales post at Yak’s Carrot Market

Brian jpg who saw his album sales post at Yak's Carrot Market

image text translation

(1)We sell them in batches
(2)It’s the 2345 Best Album 6789
(3)I’ve only listened to 2-3 albums, and all the rest of the albums are for my own collection
(4)It’s clean
(5)The 6th album also has a limited edition DVD album
(6)If you want to buy it, Brian’s early signing on his debut
(7)And the first concert, Kim Jo Han’s joint concert album and joy
(8)I’m sending you Brian’s personal album, too
(9)I can’t believe it.
(10)Why are you selling them all
(11)Fly to the Sky CD Collection
(12)1 week before hobby game album activity
(13)It’s the 2345 Best Album 6789
(14)They’re selling my pictures!
(15)I’m a bit curious about this, too
(16)I don’t know if our music is that proven
(17)2 Are you into other idols these days
(18)It’s not sold yet
(19)That’s bad too!
(20)It’s even a chisel
(21)60,000 won. Pay
(22)To offer a price
(23)60,000 won
(24)I’m a Carrot Pay user in the chat room
(25)I can transfer money right away from a good perspective
(26)December 22, 2023
(27)I wonder why you’re selling this
(28)I’m also a fan. I’m a fan of “It to the Sky”
(29)I wanted to make a full set of albums
(30)You had it
(31)Even my solo album
(33)It’s because the house is small
(34)I see
(35)I’ll buy it, so when are you free
(36)403 in the afternoon
(37)You can do direct transactions at Seonneung Station
(38)405 in the afternoon
(39)The Count is Fly to the Sky
(40)It’s sold in a cageIt’s 234A JUST WLATASE
(41)I’m going to make 2 million hearts, and I’m going to keep all the rest of my thoughts
(42)Hold on, seller
(43)January 3, 2024
(44)Please tell me 10 minutes before you come or go
(45)It’s Nani-dang
(46)Oh, thank you.
(47)149 p.m
(48)210 in the afternoon
(49)Will it be okay around 7:20
(51)I’m on my way to the bus
(52)Let me guess

Brian jpg who saw his album sales post at Yak's Carrot Market

image text translation

(1)I’m home They’re almost here
(3)Yes, it’s in front of the cu
(4)731 p.m
(5)I’m wearing a black hat
(7)Yeah, I’ll be right there
(9)I’m really curious why they sell it
(10)I’m going to meet you right away
(11)Checking the item
(12)straight to the point
(13)But why are you selling this
(14)It’s not Brian
(15)You recognized me right away
(16) hzx7436 19 hours ago
(17)Just hearing your voice, Brian
(18)How can you not recognize me
(19)No, I had a baby
(20)For the baby room
(21)I don’t have any space at home
(22)I’ve never experienced this before
(23)I’m so shocked right now
(24)No, it was so absurd
(25)No, but I went to a concert before
(26)I know the silhouette
(27)The producer found it for me
(28)PD found out
(29)Let’s teach them and proceed with the contents. LOL
(30)I saw Hwanhee recently
(31)I went to the concert
(32)Wow, I went to Hwanhee’s concert, too
(33)600 pay00 won
(34)To offer a price
(35)But I’m still going to sell this
(36)Thank you, though
(37)I have a good baby

Brian jpg who saw his album sales post at Yak's Carrot Market

image text translation

(1)Oh, I’m sorry
(2)I’m so sorry
(3)I’m going to sign again and do a subscriber event
(4)If you have a concert, I’ll definitely go
(5)But I’m enjoying watching YouTube
(6)I’m going to have a baby soon
(7)I have a lot of luggage at home and I’m trying to get rid of it
(8)That’s why they sell it
(9)a way of speaking that’s not true
(10)It’s okay. It’s okay
(11)I’m going to be a baby mom
(12)It doesn’t take up that much space
(13)But he suddenly cries
(14)I felt sorry for you
(15)I know how she felt as a mother who experienced it first
(16)I got waterAfter having children, I organized my things
(17)That’s how I ended up doing itNot only PL2O’s album, but also CD
(18)He’s done with his hobbies These days, it’s music source
(19)You can listen to it with that. If you want to listen to it whenever you want
(20)But I buy a CD when my favorite singer’s new album comes out
(21)I love the excitement and the songs I like while looking at the album photos
(22)There are memories of memorizing the lyrics while looking at the lyrics
(23)When you have a baby and you take care of it, the child comes before me
(24)Uh-huh. She’s a mom. It’s a memory now
(25)I’m going to buy another baby underwear toy for 60,000 won
(26)She sent me memories as a girl, and she became a baby mother
(27)That’s how I feel
(28)I sent you a book with Zorego, too
(29)If you’re not a real fan, you won’t even sell that Who’s on CD these days
(30)So, before I give birth to something to throw away, mothers-to-be
(31)I’m going to do my best to make my heart flutter
(32)I have a lot of energyThe seller made a big decision to clean up
(33)That’s what he was supposed to do. Brian, hug him to give you a birth
(34)I saw you giving it to me, and I thought Brian was a big deal
(35)Happy New Year to you, too. I hope you’ll be on a roll^^
(36)If you become a Toy Story and an adult, you can leave like a body
(37)Everyone has Woody, even though he’s young
(38)To those who sold it, I hope 333 will be happy with the album. The singer who liked me


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