I think that’s why director Son said we shouldn’t win

I think that's why director Son said we shouldn't win

image text translation

(1)It’s a training session as soon as we get to Abu Dhabi
(2)I have to train now
(3)I can’t kick the ball
(4)I couldn’t kick it for more than 2 weeks
(5)Before leaving for the Asian Cup, I only called up the players and couldn’t even touch the ball for two weeks
(6)So the picture above shows Lee Jae-sung saying that he has to go train right after arriving in Abu Dhabi because he hasn’t been able to see him for two weeks
(7)What are you talking about
(8)Before a big event like the Asian Cup
(9)You’d be wondering what this means if you haven’t even kicked a ball in two weeks
(10)The contract with the Paju National Training Center, which the Korean national team has used as a training ground for 22 years, ended in January this year
(11)But if you want to renew your contract, you have to pay about 2.6 billion won a year for rent, which was used free of charge, so the Korea Confederation of Trade Unions just ends the contract
(12)But of course, at the end of the contract with the training site I’ve been using for 22 years
(13)I would have ended it because there was an alternative!!!!! That’s how it should be
(14)It did! It was even less than a month before the cup
(16)I’m going to put the live ammunition inside
(17)But there was nothing like that for Chukhyup
(18)Just terminating the training ground contract without any countermeasures
(19)In the end, indoor training at the hotel gym for two weeks
(20)If Ham is going to do it, don’t call him up early
(21)I even went to the hotel room with regular guests
(22)I had to train lol
(23)It’s hard to find a case for a call-up without ground training
(24)It’s a matter of course The association is an exceptional example of Ulsan and Busan
(25)I searched the training ground on the south side of the country, and I ended up with a rental house
(26)It’s been reported that he failed
(27)·Important on articles that have been published in the party
(28)I called the soccer players in front of the Asian Cup for two weeks
(29)Players who didn’t throw balls on the grass
(30)It can have a huge impact on your senses
(31)These days, the players on the grass with the ball
(32)a lot
(33)But I can’t do it because there’s no training ground [Laughing] [Laughing]
(34)Laughing out loud. Laughing out loud
(35)Korean soccer player Gujeongdo Island doesn’t have a training site, so the grounds
(36)If you say you didn’t train, who would believe you
(37)But when the Cheonan NFC training site is completed in the Chukma-Kyup
(38)I told you I was worried
(39)I didn’t even get the construction right yet, so I didn’t even get the first shovel
(40)Next year’s completion is said to be out of options
(41)Even if it is completed in the first half of the year as scheduled
(42)There’s no official training ground, so whenever there’s a chance
(43)You have to be a rock. It’s a big deal
(44)I can’t even talk about it next year
(45)I can guarantee that it will be difficult to complete
(46)This year, Limpick in Paris was very popular
(47)Goto’s 2026 World Qualifying Cup is still being planned
(48)There is no place for the players to train officially This ㄹㅈ
(49)If this is the case, I’ve renewed my contract with Paju for about a year
(50)Do you spend money for a certain period of time at least ahead of a tournament like the Asian Cup
(51)No matter what measures you take, leader, wherever you go
(52)I should have borrowed it
(53)I’ll put money into the players
(54)I don’t want any of that money, so the chief elects a vicious, two-week function, and Hunball
(55)So that I can’t touch it
(56)I can’t kick the ball
(57)It’s a song that made the players say this
(58)1 Cleansman relief ball If you’re a person who’s only been in charge of Cleansman from the moment, you’re not a coach
(59)I’m worried about you
(60)Even the appointment process was very opaque
(61)2 There has been controversy over his continuous integrity since he took office, but there is no part of him that has been dismissed. Absence of alcohol and incompetence
(62)Even if I get better, I’m happy with it
(63)I’ll prove the result!It’s like an ice cup
(64)We’ve made it a new test site for Klinsmann in a recent episode, and the results are
(65)Even if you win 100 days in the third round of evaluation, you can develop it as much as you want
(66)The weak team in the tournament
(67)I’m tired of predicting that I can lose. It’s true in the end
(68)It’s not like we’re the only ones in Korea, but it’s all over the world
(69)The only weak point is Cleansman, so Team Pyo’s
(70)The way you talk
(71)Experts kept pointing out that it was only Klinsmann’s risk for reasons that South Korea would not have won the Asian Cup, and the coach didn’t believe it
(73)4 The players want to win the Arojin Shiman Cup more than ever. Some of the interviews that I’ve been doing since this year
(75)It was
(76)But Keun-hyeop can’t find a draft cup, and he can’t even get it right away, so a reserve player who can’t get it right away is recruited for two weeks
(77)to look at
(79)Through all this doggy situation
(80)If you make it to the semifinals by changing your body


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