the last squad leader of the Joseon Volunteer Corps

the last squad leader of the Joseon Volunteer Corps

image text translation

(1)Kim Seojeong 21
(2)He was an ordinary grandfatherIt’s like a granddaughter’s fool
(3)SBS Special
(4)When I say “Grandpa, I’m here,” he says “Come here” and kisses me on the cheek
(5)31st verse special
(6)You have to wear one-legged and crutches
(7)September 2001 Yanbian
(8)Kim Hak-cheol 85 The Last Squad Chang of the Joseon Volunteer Corps
(9)No matter how chaotic the world is, it’s a ghost
(10)You end up going in the right direction
(11)Although Korea is confused with Jungkook
(12)You’ll end up on the right track
(13)the National Assembly on the 31st
(14)a squad leader on the highest side of the Joseon Volunteer Corps
(15)SBS file
(16)Kim Seojung 21 granddaughter~
(17)In my hometown, there aren’t many Korean words
(18)But this place is full of Korean
(19)Author of the Taebaek Mountains by Cho Jung-rae Novelist
(20)Cho Jung-rae’s epic novel 白山脈 脈 Publishing Machine
(21)The monthly period and thoughts of Hangilsa Temple
(22)That we’re doing literature
(23)What’s the reason
(24)Novelists are often historians
(25)There’s a problem that I can’t solve. I’m solving it
(26)That’s why Cho Jung-rae’s Taebaek Mountains
(27)I think it shines even more
(28)The reason why our Joseon Volunteer Corps fought against Japan was
(29)I think it’s a good thing

the last squad leader of the Joseon Volunteer Corps

image text translation

(1)SBS Special
(2)For safety concerns, let them sleep inside
(3)You slept here
(4)The influence of the Joseon Volunteer Corps on our village was tremendously influenced by 鼻英各界 葬 園. 歐 U.S. 鮮烈
(5)a resident of the chief village of Hoaejo
(6)They were heroes
(7)And that’s how they named their children to commemorate them
(8)So, out of our two brothers
(9)My name is Aejo. I love Joseon
(10)They keep looking at South Korea
(11)It’s called the puppet regime of the United States
(12)That’s where the Soviet puppet regime is
(13)So from morning to night
(14)He manipulated Kim Il Sung’s personal worship
(15)So I was against winning, but it went wrong
(16)He fled to China across the Yalu River
(17)When I came to China, I really believed in Mao Zedong
(18)Since the anti-Japanese war in the past
(19)But when I went and looked in
(20)It’s him. It’s the same
(21)Long live the great Youngsoo from morning to night!
(22)Long live the red sun! Long live!
(23)I only shout this
(24)He starved 30 million people to death. 30 million people
(25)This is the Communist Party
(26)This is what the Communist Party is like
(27)So I wrote “Myth of the 20th Century”
(28)Ma Taek-dong and Kim Il-sung committed suicide
(29)I wrote that I should apologize to the people
(30)Professor Kim Ho-woong of Yanbian University, China
(31)About 2,000 citizens attended the hearing
(32)Grandpa shouted
(33)What am I guilty of!
(34)I got shot and I got hit in the bone
(35)I couldn’t even get it right after I got hit by the bone
(36)I’m not asking you to treat me
(37)Cut off your legs
(38)Is there something you need to do first
(39)I think it’s going to be cured
(40)That’s how I’ll treat you
(41)You have to do that
(42)A Japanese man did this to me
(43)He never said that
(44)Omuramasio Waseda University Honorary Professor
(45)To the doctor who performed the surgery
(46)I respect and appreciate it
(47)What was the morning of liberation like
(48)SBS Special
(49)a very bright morning

the last squad leader of the Joseon Volunteer Corps

image text translation

(1)SBS Special
(2)Kim Hak-cheol 85 First Squad Commander of Chosun Medical Corps
(3)People who live well can’t live well here
(4)Socialists like China and North Korea
(5)I can do it because I’m doing personal worship
(6)How much blood are you shed
(7)I paid for it
(8)If you go to the next generation
(9)That’s not the case again
(10)First, the dictatorship of the proletariat
(11)We need to stop saying that
(12)Proletarian dictatorship is one-party dictatorship
(13)One-party dictatorship is one-man dictatorship
(14)But in the middle of the majority system
(15)The Communist Party did a good job
(16)If you take power, you take power
(17)If you miss it, you miss it
(18)Like this, the parliamentary struggle
(19)We have to fight in the National Assembly
(20)You can’t kill anything
(21)31st, lucky day
(22)I think that our young people
(23)I want to think about my country
(24)I want you to do a good job
(25)Mrs. Kim Hye-wonhoe
(26)If only I had been treated well this time
(27)I don’t think this is going to happen
(28)It’s about time
(29)It’s eighty-five. eighty-five
(30)the father of Kim Seo-jeong, Kim Ha-seon
(31)It’s very simple for my father to live
(32)You’ve lived with strong will
(33)If you want to live comfortably, turn a blind eye to injustice
(34)But if you live like a human being, challenge him
(35)- Kim Hak-cheol’s will
(36)Independence on the 31st
(37)31st Special
(38)If my grandfather is alive

the last squad leader of the Joseon Volunteer Corps

image text translation

(1)SBS Special
(2)You walked all the way here
(3)”Thank you for your hard work”
(4)I miss you.
(5)I want to give you a hug
(6)Section 31 Features
(7)Actor Baek Jinhee in narration

If you read this commentary

You can see the identity of the people who were independent in the communist world at the time

It wasn’t because they were communists, they needed people to support the independence movement

Of course, the Joseon Volunteer Corps and the Joseon Volunteer Army are different, so I hope you don’t make a mistake

The independence activists of that time had no qualms about getting support from both Chiang Kai-shek and the Communist Party of China if they supported the independence of Joseon

It wasn’t about ideology, it was about independence

But there are some pups who call General Hong Beom the Red

I feel bad that I can’t kill those guys with my own hands

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