The reason why the Kyochon President doesn’t give out any of the Kyochon stores

The reason why the Kyochon President doesn't give out any of the Kyochon stores

image text translation

(1)HJ: What do you do to people like that
(2)I’m telling you realistically You’re going to ruin it if you give it to any chicken restaurant Chicken is different from snack food, so you can’t eat it every day. There’s a restaurant where you eat one a year One time, someone came to me who wanted to open a store in an apartment complex with about 1,000 households There was not a company nearby, but only a few apartments were built in an undeveloped area, so there was only one apartment in the commercial area In my experience, if 1,000 households are everything in the commercial district, we can only sell five to six chickens a day. I advise you to expand your commercial district not only to that apartment but also to the neighborhood
(3)- Can the headquarters make money by doing so
(4)If you want to use the name Kyochon, you have to make money That’s my responsibility There should be no franchises that can’t make money and quit We have to somehow feed, dress, send them to school, save them


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