I’m going to destroy the adopted child

I'm going to destroy the adopted child

image text translation

(1)I’m going to destroy the adopted child
(2)After 8 years of infertility after marriage
(3)The adoption agency adopted a 2-year-old girl at the time
(4)And then after three years of raising a child
(5)I was very lucky to be pregnant after 11 years
(6)I’ve always hoped and dreamed of
(7)I was able to give birth to my own child
(8)My second daughter is now 8 months old
(9)Now that I have my own children
(10)Why is my eldest daughter not happy
(11)I grew up in my parents’ house for 3 years
(12)They want me to think like my own daughter and raise her
(13)My heart is not following me
(14)My in-laws told me to break up
(15)My husband seems to want me to do the same
(16)He’s only 5 years old, so after he got ripped off
(17)I’ll forget that I was abandoned when I grew up
(18)You don’t remember anyone when you were 5
(19)Even if it’s now
(20)I want to meet better parents
(21)Is there anyone who raises an adopted child
(22)If I read this article, many people would curse at me
(23)If you are in my position
(24)I’m going to break it up the same way
(25)Beppel’s baby mom
(26)Hurry up and break up the sun What can I learn from someone who takes it when he needs it and throws it away when he doesn’t need it? When you get old and you don’t need it, you’ll be thrown away
(27)Bepple, bepple, bepple, bepple, bepple
(28)Infertile couples sometimes get pregnant with their own children after adoption There’s a story that I often say I was able to get pregnant because my adopted firstborn was a lucky girl No one remembers when he was 5 It depends on what kind of memory it is My brother even remembers what happened when he was four A child’s life could be ruined thanks to your bad heart You’re so irresponsible If your baby turns 5 and does something you don’t like, you don’t think it’s easy to throw it off Adoption is the same thing. I’m not saying that it’s a birth with the heart of adoption
(29)Bepple, see you soon
(30)I adopted my own daughter and raised her, and she came in… Be nice to your adopted daughter Like your own child, all the luck goes to your child… What kind of mother would you be
(31)I posted something yesterday and I’m checking the comments now
(32)Why are there so many uneducated, clueless people
(33)I can’t help but sigh
(34)As expected, the majority of people think that
(35)You don’t understand
(36)Just because I’m breaking up my eyes
(37)I can’t even put it in my daughter’s mouth
(38)You’re talking behind the scenes
(39)From parents like you
(40)I can see how they’re going to grow up
(41)without culture and senselessness
(42)I think I’ll only learn how to criticize others
(43)Your children educate themselves
(44)I think you’re living negatively
(45)You and your husband don’t seem to be on good terms
(46)To me and my own daughter
(47)^^ Yes, he’s angry
(48)I talked to my husband about it yesterday, and after that
(49)It’s been 3 years since I had good luck
(50)Until this month, I’ll take care of her and raise her
(51)I decided to break up next month
(52)From the beginning
(53)If I have children, I’ll give up my eldest child
(54)I didn’t think of it
(55)When I was born, I was being mean
(56)When I’m doing something else for a while, I can’t
(57)I’m just going to beat my little brother
(58)You’re going to pick one and the summer solstice falls
(59)I don’t want to call my oldest daughter
(60)It’s just that I’m not happy with my face
(61)Even though I’m 5 years old, I’ll eat if I spill all the rice
(62)I want you to do this
(63)It was as stubborn as a mule.
(64)Even if it’s an adoption agency right now
(65)I want to send it back
(66)I’m a person, too
(67)I’m sorry
(68)I’ll leave it to my own daughter’s friend in July, but this place is for a month
(69)There and the big one
(70)We went on a trip and went to a mountain just to hang out
(71)I’m going to spend the last time
(72)I’m going to send it back
(73)For my own daughter
(74)That’s the smartest choice
(75)I have a bad taste for him
(76)Even if I let my sister go
(77)I feel like I’m going to get hit and take away
(78)I saw the additional comments and thought
(79)I hope you understand
(80)To the fans who are like you
(81)I don’t really want it
(82)Just keep that in mind
(83)^^ Those who are not married yet, and here
(84)I hope you’re infertile and try it out ^^
(85)Bepple 123
(86)Lastly, if you’re not married yet, please be infertile. That woman gives me goosebumps
(87)If it’s supposed to show that you’re not doing anything, even if it’s your own sister, you’re really serious
(88)I’m begging you, but I’m sorry
(89)I hope the bee doesn’t go away. I hope your last years are just like you
(90)Oh, my
(91)I was so dumbfounded that I thought you were infertile because you were cursing. I don’t know if it’s Rihaan Shibapi, who has been with her for three years and felt sorry for her, but it’s not enough. I’m going to be a mother in the same year and I’m going to be sick
(92)I made a great memory
(93)I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to give it to her
(94)I don’t think there will be a case where he won’t live his last life lol, so of course he wants me to talk about it like you lol
(95)Bepple. Phew
(96)Second, I wonder how long I can live
(97)I had a baby after 5 years of marriage due to infertility, and I’m now pregnant. I was abandoned and received while struggling with crops. After getting pregnant and raising a baby cat by feeding her, everyone is a single mother, so if it’s like a baby, you can’t raise it. Even though people know, it’s a different person. If you look at it, you’re scared and have a baby, so how can there be a lot of troubleIt’s a good idea to be diligent. I hope you’ve lost all your energy to bite people, but it’s a good idea that you’re not the parents of the family who’ve been living in that house and giving them experimental treatments, and you want to be more naughty to my wife
(98)I can’t believe we have all of them, but we’re not the only ones
(99)one by one
(100)Park Jeong-eul
(101)I’m sorry, I wish you good luck. It’s like a chimney, but instead he’s going
(103)Yeah, I’m infertile anyway, so I’m crazy. I don’t even have a dog in my house. What if a 5-year-old baby suddenly disappears? How would you feel when your 3-year-old baby suddenly disappears, not your mom? I don’t know what’s going on in my baby’s belly, but I don’t know what’s going on in my baby’s belly, but when I gave birth to him, I hope he’ll grow up instead of what he didI’m sure it’s as good as a life. It’s too pitiful for that baby to live on in a trite way. I’m gonna go back to heaven and give my parents a pear botte, who’s better than you, and I hope you’ll never see her through her breast-bred child


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