I’m sorry to hear that.
image text translation
(1)Mr. Cha 33, who works for a public institution, has been working for five years this year
(2)I broke up with my girlfriend. I planned to get married, but there were more disputes in the process of building apartments in the Seoul metropolitan area Cha said, “The combined annual income of the two was about 60 million won, but no matter how I calculated it, I wasn’t confident in buying a lease on an apartment near the company and paying off the interest,” and added, “I couldn’t even dream about my children, but I finally gave up because I was tired of fighting over money.”
(3)”Break-up marriage is most common because of money.”
(4)A case of divorce posted on the wedding preparation community
(5)Unit Gun
(6)HJ: The monthly salary is low
(7)There’s a lot of money difference that I saved up because of the money
(8)I don’t have enough money to get an apartment
(9)- Consumption habits are big
(10)Personality and differences in life-violent tendencies of the other party
(12)laziness and negative personality
(13)a family problem
(14)- Interference from in-laws
(15)- MAMAMA BOY Tendency
(16)Because of a lie
(17)-Divorce experience
(18)Data 36 posts on Naver’s wedding preparation cafe