Kim Jongmin is in a serious situation alone.jpg

Kim Jongmin is in a serious situation alone.jpg

image text translation

(1)Today’s topic of discussion
(2)Alcohol is life’s friend vs. enemy
(3)Shinji’s commentary
(4)A couple who are drinking
(5)It lasts longer
(6)I can’t believe it.
(7)Jommin’s brain
(8)Because of alcohol
(9)a low birth rate
(10)Shinji Kim Jongmin’s island function deteriorates
(11)Of course!
(12)Of course!!
(13)Shinji, you can check this out
(14)Hello, Kim Jongmin
(15)GE Department of Covirrhosis
(16)● Lee Young Jin
(17)Mr. Doctor
(18)Kim Jongmin, after drinking
(19)What’s this? How should I say this
(20)Just ask!
(21)I heard there’s a problem with sexual function
(22)It’s not a kidney failure, but it’s a little less functional
(23)I heard that Kim Jongmin’s voice doesn’t work well
(24)Kim Jongmin, is it scientifically proven
(25)from a urologist’s point of view
(26)Mr. Lee Youngjin
(27)Factual assault
(28)It’s a central inhibitor. It’s a nerve
(29)The testicles produce male hormones
(31)Mr. Lee Youngjin
(32)Ms. Beautiful
(33)Alcohol is a type of drug that lowers the island’s function
(34)Conte’s sense of humor is lost
(35)It could be a long time to have sex
(36)Oh, my
(37)I might not have good sexual function
(38)with a variety of responses
(39)It’s gonna turn out irregular
(40)If you look at it, you’ll end up with a lower birth rateunder the irregularity of
(41)Oh, my. Hahaha
(42)It’s possible. Teacher Lee Youngjin’s Dizzy
(43)a lot of alcohol
(44)The people who are eating
(45)Your adult life time
(46)Because it’s getting longer
(47)I think that’s nice
(49)one’s full-time life
(51)I can’t do it, so let’s move
(52)It’s going to be long
(53)I doubt Bukri. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
(54)I can’t do anything, sir. H
(55)I’m going to take it easy
(57)It’s Bin
(58)I’m afraid things won’t be easy if you eat it
(59)Teacher Lee Yangjin
(60)a sex life
(61)It’s getting longer
(62)If it’s long, it’s long
(63)It’s not good. It’s not good
(64)Learning questions
(65)If a rabbit and a turtle race, who will win
(66)Kim Jongmin’s turtle wins. Rabbit
(67)Fact explosion!
(68)Soft tofu, Kim Jungmin
(69)pure brainlessness
(70)in the urology department
(71)You can think that a rabbit wins
(72)The rabbit will win
(73)Like a drum
(74)I don’t think it’s a person
(75)I like someone who finishes quickly like a rabbit
(76)Lee Yangjin’s brain waves
(77)I prefer rabbits in terms of urology
(78)For men
(79)You have to know that
(80)a person who has a great realization
(81)Okay. It’s my first time
(83)For no reason, the person I love
(84)It’s okay if it’s a dog
(85)I’ll call Kim Jongmin separately
(86)I’d like to see a doctor
(87)Aren’t we here to talk about drinking
(88)I personally think that Shinji will continue to
(89)I think Hong Shin-soo is a good friend
(90)Kim Jongmin, the longer you drink, the worse it gets
(91)Other things get longer


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