Pyeongtaek’s specialty closed chicken jpg

Pyeongtaek's specialty closed chicken jpg

image text translation

(1)Crying dentistry
(2)I’m a member of the Hansarang Clinic
(3)I moved to Pyeongtaek for a while
(4)I’m a bit distracted by the move
(5)I can’t believe that we’re trying to figure out what to eat first
(6)A Taste of 41-Year Tradition
(7)Today’s destination is a closed chicken restaurant
(8)I’m here to eat a chicken dish famous for Pyeongtaek’s specialty, abandoned chicken
(9)When I hear the name, I wonder if it’s something that people eat
(10)It’s a normal food that you can eat
(11)for practical use
(12)a broiler egg for broiler meat
(13)a male female
(14)Just once in a while
(15)I need to know what a lung system is
(16)The chicken that we raise for food is very big
(17)Broiler and eggshells are divided into broiler and eggshells
(18)The egg-laying chickens are
(19)It’s not for eating meat
(20)You can’t use chicken and throw it away
(21)What should I eat today
(22)Today’s New World’s Aldam with chewy taste
(23)ovipositional chicken
(24)hens who have grown for more than two years
(25)If it’s disposed of without laying eggs
(26)It’s just Buria Pork
(27)It’s an abandoned chicken that you eat for meat
(28)It’s a chicken that laid eggs, so it’s inside
(29)It’s full of yolk and eggplant
(30)Since it’s a meat that’s strong and elastic for a long time
(31)It’s a very strong horse, and it’s elastic meat
(32)It’s a chicken that smells like that
(33)If you boil it, it looks like tai chal gore
(34)Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken
(35)This happy packaging fast delivery Pyeongtaek headquarters Te
(36)open-and-close chicken
(37)41-Year-Old Taste 652-2646
(38)an abandoned chicken
(39)I don’t know why Pyeongtaek ate the abandoned chicken
(40)There are a lot of shops that specialize
(41)Maybe there’s an egg farm nearby
(42)I think it was in the past
(43)41 year specialist and 652-2846
(44)Maybe it’s because it’s famous for lung chicken
(45)There are a lot of chicken restaurants nearby
(46)Especially, the chicken next to a closed restaurant
(47)There was a restaurant specializing in yakidori
(48)Besides here, there were many yakidori restaurants in the neighborhood
(49)Please tell me.
(50)Anyway, the inside of Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken is like this
(51)Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken
(52)5000 s a week 5000 tera 5000 5000 goliha 6000 drink 2000
(54)inside the country
(55)Red pepper powder, Chinese rice kimchi, Chinese
(56)He doesn’t like sweet taste
(57)Dear Mr. Moon
(58)This is the menu
(59)I heard it’s a menu like dakdoritang
(60)It starts at 18,000 wonIt’s not bad
(61)Ordering box for abandoned chicken device
(62)He doesn’t like the taste
(63)Sir, sir
(64)Please tell us
(65)If you don’t like sweet taste
(66)They’re telling me to talk about beauty
(67)I asked for something less sweet
(68)That was quite a bitIs Hiddle swollen
(69)The original one looks like something
(70)It’s the first detailed setting
(71)No, it was the taste I made at home. It’s impressive that the radish comes out
(72)18,000 won for waste chicken
(73)First of all, it looks like a nice dakdoritang
(74)The most important thing is
(75)the yolk in the gut
(76)Before the egg was formed, it was in the stomach
(77)It tasted like yolk. It tasted like yolk. It’s delicious It’s a sweet and spicy seasoning on the yolk, so it goes in better

Pyeongtaek's specialty closed chicken jpg

image text translation

(1)There’s an anus-wrinkle viscera
(2)When I asked what it was, they said it’s a good place to eat
(3)It’s definitely tripe if you look at what it looks like
(4)It’s perfect even when you look at it in a biological state
(5)I found out that it’s not the intestines, it’s the egg tube of a chicken
(6)Should I say it’s part of the genitalia
(7)If you think of it as a pig, I think it’s black mulberry
(8)a nice-looking poop
(9)Potatoes and onions are the only vegetables with it
(10)Potatoes are a little undercooked. It’s crunchy, so it’s good to chew
(11)It doesn’t smell until here
(12)It’s spicy and I really enjoyed it. Sweet and sour
(13)So it’s time to eat the chicken in question
(14)The chicken itself is quite big
(15)The pieces are very finely chopped
(16)the immenseness of the wings and necks that cannot be hidden
(17)In a thick shell
(18)It smells like a strong chicken and it’s elastic
(20)As I said before
(21)I’m used to No.10 chicken meat. My baby’s taste is Jin
(22)I can’t handle this waste chicken. It’s tough. It doesn’t smell
(23)I can’t eat it
(24)If you look at the menu, there’s nothing to recommend
(25)I think I know what it means to have only my own extra. Dungjang and
(26)Water Cooking Contributor Thick Year-end Store Act provides security
(27)It’s already done
(28)If a good restaurant cooks like this, it means it’s all cooked
(29)What’s the result
(30)There’s a lot of talk about chicken sheep
(31)I only ate a lot of stuff
(32)It’s just the cat food
(33)And the last highlight is fried rice
(34)In the remaining sauce
(35)I think it’s fried with kimchi, seaweed flakes and sesame oil. This is really good
(37)I can go. I don’t know what to do
(38)40 weight loss
(39)As I’m done eating, they’re giving me yogurt for dessert
(40)Ssangyong’s abandoned chicken
(41)41-Year-Old Taste 652-2646
(42)According to the Ssangyong regime, Ssangyong Jejidam voice actor Ji-Ji is Ajouji SsangYong Jejidam
(43)The taste of the abandoned chicken itself was quite unique after I ate it
(44)It was hard
(45)However, looking at the mall delivery order, I can’t keep up with the chicken in the neighborhood
(47)I don’t think so. It’s not
(48)Like me


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