image text translation
(1)The price of pork belly in the market has gone up even more
(2)As of December last year, the price of pork belly sold at restaurants in downtown Seoul was 1,9429 won
(3)Two years ago, one serving was 14,000 won, but it went up by about 35
(4)Considering the recent trend, the average price this month is expected to rise further
(5)In Seoul and the metropolitan area, restaurants that sell pork belly for 20,000 won per person have already appeared
(6)Caption news ECONOMY
(7)But farmers who raise pigs are also said to be sad
(8)Caption news
(9)It’s sold at a high price at a restaurant
(10)The wholesale price of the farm has not gone up
(11)The pig farm is also very sad
(12)Growing burden on livestock farmers
(13)Cost of producing sand dragon and electricity ↑
(14)Raise it high and hand it over low
(15)As the consumption of pigs decreased, the wholesale price
(16)It’s a complaint that they’re apart
(17)Caption News RESOURNOTHI
(18)The pig farm is actually upset
(19)Sand dragon cost ↑ price, electricity bill, production
(20)Raise it and turn it over cheaply
(21)Even though the cost of production is higher than before as the cost of feed and electricity goes up
(22)I’m raising it at a high price and handing it over at a low price
(23)wholesale price of pork
(24)Standard weight of 1kg
(25)Data Livestock Quality Assessment Service
(26)2023 on average 2024 as of now
(27)5,134 won or 4,000 won
(28)a decline in the wholesale price of pork
(29)Let’s actually look at the wholesale price of pork
(30)Korea Institute of Data and Livestock Quality Evaluation
(31)Last year, the average wholesale price was 5 to 134 won
(32)I’m currently in the 4,000 won range
(33)Support needed to ease the burden of feed costs/institutional system
(34)”A plan to release the volume after stocking up on a certain amount of money.”
(35)Therefore, the Handon Government’s Measures to Mitigate the Burden of Feed Expenses and the Policy Funding Association
(36)We are requesting institutional policies such as easing the burden of electricity bills
(37)”Easing the burden of feed costs and the need for support are institutionalized.”
(38)”The amount of water to be pumped after stockpiling a certain amount of money.”
(39)Also, if consumers consume a lot of pork belly, farm prices will rise
(40)”Easing the burden of feed costs”
(41)”After stockpiling a lot of money, the volume of Fuban Island is
(42)As an alternative, the government keeps a bag of money in stock instead of imported goods
(43)I didn’t know how much it was in the summer
Wholesale prices go down, but the price of pork belly at restaurants goes up