Young Farmer Angry at Broadcasting Station Making Fake Farmer Images

Young Farmer Angry at Broadcasting Station Making Fake Farmer Images

image text translation

(1)You know the farming program
(3)At that point
(4)I went out two or three times
(5)I’ve never lost my temper
(6)There was one
(7)ㄹ ㅠㅠ 오디
(8)For example, if I wear this hat and work, they’ll bring a shabby straw hat
(9)I’m sorry, but this
(10)Can’t you write it down
(11)After I do it or after it’s over
(12)We eat, right
(14)I was eating at the table
(15)Do you happen to be sitting on the floor
(16)Can’t you eat it
(17)shabby clothes
(18)Can’t you wear it
(19)He kept on telling me
(20)Talking about that
(21)If I’m going to be like this
(22)I’ll just take an actor
(23)It’s like when you’re eating something
(24)You have to be relaxed
(25)I have to work 24 hours a day
(26)I keep doing this
(27)Since it’s on air
(28)Like that
(29)young farmers
(30)Do you want to be precious
(31)That’s what I thought
(32)The farmer told people
(33)have a rough time
(34)I work when I’m working
(35)d and go d and don’t get lean
(36)Don’t lean forward.
(37)When I’m doing it neatly, I’ll do it neatly
(38)It’s the same as other work I do
(39)I’ll show you this
(40)I want to do that

I’m sorry, but if you’re going to be a farmer, could you change your face with me

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