The reason why the 707 Special Rental was created

The reason why the 707 Special Rental was created

image text translation

(1)Chung Byung-joo, then Army Special Warfare Commander
(2)determination of ineligibility for active duty after arrest
(3)compulsory booking
(4)- Died in October 1998
(5)actor Jung Man-sik
(6)Park! Jongwon
(7)Park Hee-do, 1st Airborne Brigade Commander
(8)There’s a subordinate that I really cherished
(9)Thanks to Commander Jeong Byeong-ju’s active recommendation, I was able to give a star
(10)A spy came down from North Korea to the area he was in control of
(11)I did whatever I wanted to do
(12)And there was an incident where he went back to North Korea safely
(13)It’s for the commander to take off his clothes right away
(14)Park Hee-do, who will appear at the prosecution on 1212
(15)But since Commander Jung Byung-joo cares about Park Hee-do so much
(16)1212 Park Hee-do to appear at the prosecution
(17)Tell him he went to the army chief and begged him to kneel down. Just give him a break
(18)So I maintained this star
(19)He was involved in the 1212 incident
(20)And the one who arrested myself, Choi Sechang
(21)Choi Se-chang, the leader of the 3rd Airborne Brigade
(22)- Lieutenant Commander of the Metropolitan Police – Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army
(23)Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(24)- the Minister of Defense
(25)Actor Kim Sung-oh
(26)Even you
(27)Choi Se Chang Do is a junior whom Commander Jung Byung Ju really cherished
(28)I’m going to wash my hands
(29)Actually, the Special Forces Command didn’t have any combat forces back then
(30)Special forces pushed in, so I was helpless
(31)But in the case of Choi Se-chang, the leader of the 3rd Airborne Brigade who led this operation
(32)the head of the new military command
(33)707th Special Establishment Task Force
(34)a spell that could have been the same


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