Japan’s Curious Culture

Japan's Curious Culture

image text translation

(1)You can smoke in Japanese restaurants
(2)There is a cafe served by Maid
(3)There is a restaurant that forgets canned food
(4)No cooking. A restaurant where you just open a can
(5)There is a stacked capsule hotel
(6)It’s not the green light of the Japanese god, but the blue light
(7)Most of the world uses green
(8)The Japanese eat chicken at KKFC on Christmas
(9)A celebratory party
(10)be famous for being a suicide spotOkay, let’s go. Sal-ha
(11)I’m actually going to buy some fat here
(12)It’s said that there are a lot of people
(13)There are so many kinds of Kit Kat chocolate
(14)In Japanese schools, students clean up schools and children do their work
(15)Westerners, look at this
(16)I was shocked to think that I was doing it
(17)There are a lot of likes for mae
(18)People who are crazy about mayonnaise are called mayo
(19)a celebration of thousands of men undressing and nudging
(21)Most desserts in Japan make it cute
(22)There is a cafe with animals such as cats and dogs
(23)It exists in Korea, but it’s interesting for Westerners
(24)Rice Man Field attracts 200,000 visitors each year to see the medicine due to COVID-19 in search of tourists above Yed
(26)current stage
(27)You can enjoy the real Mario Kart in Tokyo, Japan
(28)I’ll fight for Arthur to burst into tears faster and louder
(29)with a loo contest
(30)Godzilla is Japan’s Ambassador for Citizenship and Self-Tourism Zuku
(31)He was appointed and granted citizenship
(32)The Yaeba Sungah that makes me feel like I’m not good at all
(33)I have surgery
(34)As a result of this, the Japanese say that bad breath is bad
(35)Tens of thousands of people attend a concert where a fictional girl sings


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