A common day of single parenting by a Japanese female teacher

A common day of single parenting by a Japanese female teacher

image text translation

(1)Yuri Murashita at Kasugashi Middle School
(2)I am currently a homeroom teacher
(3)I chose to take care of both teachers and children
(4)It’s been a series of trials and errors for the past two years
(5)The harder you work, the more you work
(6)The child experienced a lonely experience
(7)I always feel that it’s hard to balance it out
(8)The day and day of the Murashi Award
(9)I’ll run the washing machine
(10)After I finished preparing for my daughter’s nursery
(11)class preparation
(12)She’s still focused without breaking her daughter
(13)I usually prepare for class in the morning
(14)I’ll hang out the laundry
(15)I’ll just feel the smudges. I’ll put some pepper on my makeup in 10 minutes
(16)I’ll eat some side dishes and soothe my taste
(17)I prepared breakfast for my daughter and husband
(18)Before I leave the house, I always tell my daughter
(19)a servant of a sergeant

A common day of single parenting by a Japanese female teacher

image text translation

(1)Murashi on his way to work
(2)work even in one’s spare time
(3)It’s impossible to work overtime to meet my daughter at the nursery
(4)It’s a waste of time to go down to the staff room
(5)working in the hallway
(6)It’s against time, so I’m working whenever I have time
(7)I’m always working hard to shorten the time
(8)Murasita Award for devoting some time
(9)It is contact with the guardian
(10)Usually, when a student is absent or in trouble
(11)It’s common to do this
(12)Something that makes you happy or compliment
(13)contact the guardian even when
(14)I’m going to be the daughter of a nursery school
(15)I’m glad to hear from you
(16)I think she’s more lovely
(17)There’s a talisman that gives you strength whenever you’re having a hard time
(18)Roll gelling paper that I learned when I was in charge of it for the first time
(19)If you feel down and you can’t read it
(20)On days when I can’t afford it, even when I’m working on it
(21)a school for one’s daughter
(22)There’s a map. It’s on Saturdays
(23)I have no choice but to bring my daughter


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