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Common illegal sharing uploader mind


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(1)I hope you can delete my data
(2)You don’t deserve to have the data I made
(3)As you acknowledged, I didn’t post it as a reward
(4)Even a passing perm won’t try to restrain the uploader like this
(5)You definitely don’t understand the meaning of sharing
(6)So I’ve never uploaded anything that I’ve crossed, and even if I’ve uploaded it, it would’ve been just to show off for a moment
(7)The meaning of sharing that you’re talking about is
(8)The uploader is just a slave who returns data to the music bulletin board and quietly disappears without saying a word
(9)They’re slaves who can’t set their own time or choose their own way of sharing
(10)Where are the rules
(11)In the operator’s notice, did the uploader tell you not to set up a sharing method but to post only the data without any hesitation
(12)Let’s see the rules
(13)It looks like a dangerous way of thinking about free rides that you’ve created

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(1)September 6, 2011 News Desk


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