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(1)I want to be remembered as the sole 尹 science presidentRequest to the new Senior Secretary for Science and Technology
(2)Park Tae-in input 2024 129 1132 modification 2024 129 1210
(1)”I want to be remembered as a science president”image text translation
(2)President Yoon Suk Yeol, who appointed Park Sang-wook, a professor of science and technology at Seoul National University, as the first senior presidential secretary for science and technology on the 25th, is said to have recently delivered this request to his aides, including Park. President Yoon also added, “I want to be evaluated as the president who took the nation forward with science.” A high-ranking official of the Presidential Office said on the 29th, “The prosperity of a country that relies on resources and other resources is not sustainable,” adding, “President Yoon thinks that he will put science and technology at the center of state affairs.”
Three Meals a Day He Doesn’t Know What He’s Been Doing Because of Alcoholic Dementia

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(1)Oh My TV Disappeared Future Food
(2)It’s the first time in 33 years of the Yoon Suk Yeoln regime
(3)RD budget cuts, etc
(4)State audit by the Ministry of Science and ICT of the National Assembly
(1)an hour agoimage text translation
(2)View video httpsyoutubeqtGr-V2Mg4E
(3)It has been confirmed that the U.S. offered to send a South Korean-made cube satellite to the moon as part of the Artemis Plan for the manned lunar exploration project, but the Korean government rejected it, saying it did not have a budget
(4)”I can’t believe I got this chance”
(5)Korea Rejects U.S. Proposal