The house I’m going to live in

The house I'm going to live in

image text translation

(1)It’s based on the initial consonants
(2)I’m going to live
(4)with a view of the sea
(5)c It’s state-of-the-art, comfortable, quiet, living with best friends, and having many rooms. C container where dogs run
(6)2 In Jeju-do, there is a tile-roofed house in LA
(7)e Rooftop Room
(8)f A two-story house with a clear view of the Han River
(9)0 clean and 0 nice weather every day 0 cave
(10)i There’s a butler and a garden
(11)The ㅊ sun is setting well, and the ㅊ station area is ㅊ thatched house
(12)It’s 100 pyeong with good air
(13)ㅌ I live alone and the hot spring water comes out in the semi-basement
(14)ㅍ There’s no bug. It’s a minute away from work
(15)Security is good. Igloo. It’s located in Gangnam


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