It’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

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It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)I like the chest
(2)Among them, I like giant oil
(4)I don’t know if it’s too much
(5)My friends and acquaintances
(6)He often asks if I’m a pervert
(7)Actually, it’s a chance
(8)I have a few things going on
(9)It happened when I was very young
(10)And this lady
(11)It’s the first of its kind
(12)At the time, I was 4 years old
(13)I didn’t go to kindergarten and stayed at home
(14)I stayed in a container house and it’s a forest
(15)I didn’t have any friends and no one came to visit me
(16)I didn’t know what to do
(17)My brother kept hiding
(18)a cage box
(19)He fought a lot with his mother at the time
(20)My father was at my home with my brother
(21)I was alone with my mother
(22)I don’t wear glasses
(23)An uncle of my family who came nearby was in a car accident, and my mother, a close brother, rushed to visit. When I fell asleep, I couldn’t wake up easily, and there was no car, so I was thinking of going quickly
(24)Strangely enough, I woke up early that day
(25)I’d rather have woken up before my mother left
(26)I would have waited, but my mother woke up and said
(27)I panicked because I couldn’t see it

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)I was scared that I was left alone, so I ran outside at a tremendous speed
(2)My house was an open area in the forest, but I think I went the way I was driving
(3)I ran off the unpaved road
(4)I don’t really remember the way
(5)I think it was like this. I popped out there
(6)I really went the way I was in the car
(7)I rushed into the driveway
(8)It was a six-lane road
(9)The cars went around really fast and I almost got hit by the car
(10)Someone grabbed me by the back of my head
(11)I threw it on the sidewalk
(12)It’s literally thrown away
(13)It flew away as it was

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)Hey, kid
(2)Why are you alone
(3)This older sister
(4)He saved me

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)Transfer Summary
(2)When I was four, I saved you
(3)Let’s save her and make sure she’s safe
(4)I started to get very angry
(5)I don’t remember what I said
(6)All I can remember is crying again
(7)I was scared that my mom disappeared, but she threw it away without knowing the English
(8)I think I was sad to get scolded all of a sudden
(9)I think I cried a lot
(10)The older sister who scolded me was also surprised
(11)He was in a hurry to appease me
(12)Pretty love
(13)He said he was a good listener

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)When she heard that my house was nearby, she carried me on her back
(2)I took you home
(3)What’s wrong with your hair!
(4)I was carrying her on my back
(5)I got caught in my leg and kicked it
(6)Now that I think about it, I’m getting mad
(7)Noona, there’s a morning glory!
(8)Yeah, it’s pretty
(9)On my way home
(10)There was a morning glory
(11)I didn’t raise it
(12)I shouldn’t have bragged about it
(13)I think that’s probably the only one I’ve ever seen
(14)I think I wanted to look good because I was the prettiest
(15)The older sister who arrived on the wall
(16)I looked at the phone book and called my mom
(17)For your information, I told my mom that the number 1 in the book was my dad
(18)The couple’s fight over how to take care of their children has been longer
(19)But my mom was like
(20)Until she goes to sleep
(21)He asked me to look after him

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)Come with me, mom
(2)Oh, they’re coming back soon
(3)Eventually, until my mom came
(4)I was waiting on the floor
(5)I threw it around and it looked like a pig
(6)I don’t know if you care
(7)She asked me to bring her a towel to wash while waiting for her
(8)Without a headband, I’ll tie it up
(9)You rolled it up. It was amazing
(10)r Hot water
(11)But what she was mistaken about was
(12)Let’s wash up at my house
(13)Here’s the towel!
(14)It was a word used in the bath
(15)To my sister here!

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)I remember I was really flustered, but I think it would be me
(2)He must have been shocked
(3)This is my mom’s. I’ll give it to you!
(4)How old are you
(5)I’m 4 years old!
(6)There are five of them
(7)Which one is it
(8)She’s like that
(9)We talked for a while
(10)Don’t do that
(11)Finally, we took a bath together
(12)The morning glory petals
(13)It’s a whole flower
(14)It’s because of the leaves
(15)My sister’s hair
(16)In the end, in the end
(17)I don’t know if I gave up and got used to it
(18)I took a bath while chatting

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister

image text translation

(1)the root of all evil
(2)a person who has left his or her face to someone he or she doesn’t know
(3)the person who bathed with the girl he kept
(4)After some time after taking a bath
(5)My mom came home
(6)We talked a lot
(7)I was just happy to see you
(8)My mom gave me a call taxi
(9)She called me and gave me money to thank me, but I’ll just take a taxiI left without receiving any money
(10)So with this sister
(11)That’s how the day ended
(13)My first love and
(14)without a communicative statement
(15)We broke up
(16)When will she come again
(17)When will they come
(18)The reason why I’m here is
(19)Why are you coming
(20)After a while, my house
(21)moving to a different area
(22)Forever with her sister
(23)I couldn’t meet you
(24)Even now, when I see morning glory
(25)I think of her
(26)the flower language of the morning glory
(27)one-sided love

It was summer

It's the first time I've ever seen someone take a bath with an unknown sister
image text translation

(1)Best 1
(2)I gave up reading as soon as I saw it. 6
(3)Recommendation reply
(4)Lorna Husband 2024-01-20132055
(5)Oh, I didn’t know. I knew after watching this. I shouldn’t have known

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