image text translation
(1)HaHa’s formal meal, which I was never close to
(2)When I left the company
(3)I got to know him through the introduction of “Running Man” PD
(4)How did we get to work together
(5)I’m satisfied with the company over 95 now
(6)Haha, you’re so loyal
(7)Every time you record, a magic encouraging text
(8)I was filming at Gimpo Airport in the morning
(9)I thought of you
(10)Because you’re going to fly
(11)a sharp class
(12)Mr. Ha, who enhances his celebrity self-esteem
(13)A few days ago
(14)at a drinking party
(15)A set meal expressing anxiety to HaHa
(16)To be honest, I’m worried about my life
(17)While talking
(18)When I heard about Jungsik’s situation
(19)a ringing cell phone
(20)HaHa sent 2 million won
(21)Thank you for the unexpected remittance, but I’m embarrassed
(22)Just take it
(23)They did this to me, too
(24)A drinking party that ended in a warm quarrel
(25)I’ll take you home
(26)To your house
(27)”When you go home
(28)When it hasn’t been long since we left
(29)He pressed cancel the remittance
(32)I’m not going to get the money
(33)a custodian star
(35)If you don’t believe it, automatic cancellation of the 3 days later
(36)But I couldn’t stand it
(37)It’s consumption
(38)I thought it was so cool
(39)of art, to be seen beyond one’s means
(40)interest rate insta
(41)I think it’s because he’s hot
(42)consumption of Chinese medicine
(43)a dead body
(44)It’s hot
(45)Crab is like that
(46)8 But it cooled down quickly
(47)a hot topic of conversation
(48)in a similar way
(49)Sometimes, we talk about the person in the seat
(50)Tell me who’s not in your seat, my
(51)It’s going to disappear
(52)I can prove it
(53)A radio star.
(54)I can prove it. Yeah, it’s true
(55)Then tell me
(56)There’s no back
(57)I’m pretty sure about fact-checking
(58)I just thought it was really cool
(59)I’m curious
(60)They say it’s for sure
(61)I just thought it was cool
(62)It’s always hot and cold
(63)2 million won is enough
(64)The sea man is