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Why we need to filter out 100 trillion MOUs for empty meat only


Why we need to filter out 100 trillion MOUs for empty meat only

image text translation

(1)What kind of Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman has signed more than 20 mou with our country? I’m talking about 40 trillion won or 100 trillion won
(2)As you know, mou is a typical lip service business that is not legally binding, especially the mou that Middle Eastern children form is even less likely to be implemented
(3)When only the Saudi heavyweight Bin Sal left, the group’s chairmen were all out…ICT and Energy
(4)Expect investment cooperation
(5)Reporter Han Donghee
(6)The head of major groups such as Samsung, Hyundai Motor, and SK visited Korea on the 26th, with all the heads of major groups such as Ciudiaravia’s lioness Gu Hammard bin Salman34 Prince Bin Salman is a powerful Saudi who has been in power since two years ago by purging his political opponents. In his own country, he is nicknamed “Mr. Everything.”
(7)However, the domestic business community is more imprinted as a leading figure in Saudi economic reform As Prince Bin Salman has announced large-scale economic cooperation at each destination, the business community expects the visit to be a welcome addition to the deteriorating economy
(8)much-watched news
(9)At the main building on the 26th, the highest discount store in Saudi Arabia 1, which used to be high in Costco, is growing
(10)I’m with the prince
(11)Why? I used to do that before
(12)That was an article from 2019 three years ago
(13)He signed an MOU worth 80 trillion won in Korea
(14)How many of them are actually implemented
(15)40 trillion and 20 trillion
(16)Aramco Adds 7 Trillion Won In S-Oil, Its Largest Shareholder
(17)I’m going to invest in building more factories
(18)Reporter Kim Jae-hoo ☆
(19)Today’s Top News
(20)Input 20190626 1737 Modified 2019062720222 Ground A10
(21)LOL. LOL LOL Expectedly
(22)S-Oil, Saudi’s largest shareholder, and Hyundai Oilbank, the second largest shareholder
(23)Only mou actually fulfilled lol zero
(24)That’s because they only did lip service business that they usually do
(25)After all, Saudi Arabia is the only one who benefits unconditionally
(26)Mou itself is not a real contract, but a temporary contract
(27)I may or may not sign a contract I don’t know the rest
(28)It’s all about work
(29)Also, if you look at the contents of the “Moo” we made this time
(30)They’re going to pay for the business they’re planning, and they’re never going to sign a contract
(31)It’s not Roe
(32)In other words, while traveling around the world, he randomly splashed out on bidding opportunities like this
(33)Giddle’s Ohm City PR T-shirts
(34)In this situation, consulting firms from around the world have made plans clean
(35)I’m pulling it out and lining it up
(36)We don’t know if the real ones will win orders by bidding for Korean companies
(37)Also, in the case of high-tech core companies that really make money, to be honest, Korea is a class
(38)It’s hard to drink
(39)What we’re given is the possibility of just hard-pressed, underlying businesses
(40)This is a big reality
(41)In that sense, he signed an arms contract with Korea worth trillions of won in a month and actually wrote books
(42)You can buy it right away. You can say it’s a really big hand
(43)1. I said that I invested 40 trillion won in my visit to Korea and 100 trillion won
(44)It’s not like I’m going to invest in the first place, but I don’t know if I’m going to invest or not
(45)high price
(46)Three Decisive Saudis have little to no protection from MOUs in the first placeThis is thoughtful
(47)The fourth time Poland was stolen, Poland signed


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