BBC Some North Koreans want war to break out

BBC Some North Koreans want war to break out

image text translation

(1)From inside North Korea, we’re going to tell us
(2)Naley NK Editorial Directorate Award
(3)There are people who are sources of information
(4)In a way, the current bad situation in North Korea is
(5)I want to let others know
(6)We’ve invited those who have it
(7)How do we get our questions across
(8)Using a device or software
(9)I’m going to deliver the questions
(10)You can find a place that only you know
(11)in a place where wiretapping is impossible
(12)I think it’s a secret investigation
(13)They’re responding in a safer way
(14)Even if it takes some time
(15)I think that’s what I wrote now
(16)Even if it takes a long time, I’ll wait
(17)We exchanged hundreds of messages
(18)The identity of the residents who were interviewed
(19)It’s delivered
(20)And finally, we’re going to take a look at the whole story
(21)We were able to gather enough information to complete it
(22)the name of a master’s family
(23)North Korean informant
(24)I wake up at 5 a.m
(25)I cook breakfast for my family
(26)And they go to the market and sell drugs
(27)One of the interviewees
(28)living close to the Chinese border

BBC Some North Koreans want war to break out

image text translation

(1)As North Korea Blocks Its Borders
(2)Not only are people not allowed to travel to and from North Korea
(3)Trade has been suspended, too
(4)North Korea is a country that needs food
(5)A freight train carrying drugs
(6)Chanho’s family name
(7)North Korean informant
(8)I work at a construction site
(9)I often work late at night
(10)I sometimes sleep on the set
(11)This resident, who introduced it under the pseudonym “Chanho”
(12)I live with my family near the Chinese border
(13)If you don’t work in the market
(14)I wouldn’t have been able to make a living
(15)We’re running out of food

BBC Some North Koreans want war to break out

image text translation

(1)People are dying
(2)The last time I got a national food ration
(3)It was a long time ago
(4)I’m holding out with a little bit of food
(5)It’s hard not to know if it’s going to continue
(6)The future is bleak
(7)a joint funeral parlor
(8)The people’s dry final rule!
(9)Jiyeon’s name is hundreds of kilometers away from here
(10)I live in a relatively wealthy city, Pyongyang
(11)Name of delay
(12)North Korean informant
(13)Before I wake up in the morning and wake up my family
(14)I don’t put rice in it
(15)And then I start working at the grocery store
(16)I’ll take out some fruits and vegetables
(17)I bought rice with that money
(18)But now, I’m going through my bag carefully
(19)I can’t fill my back pocket
(20)I don’t have enough food to feed my family
(21)My husband and I just touched it for 10 days
(22)And then I’ll do it for 10 more days
(23)I’m hanging in there.
(24)If something happens, even if we starve
(25)- With the thought of feeding the kids
(26)Once, for two days

BBC Some North Koreans want war to break out

image text translation

(1)There was a time when I didn’t eat anything
(2)I only drank water
(3)A North Korean living in Pyongyang
(4)It’s noteworthy that he expressed his difficulties
(5)Pyongyang is also in a difficult situation
(6)That’s what I’m saying about many other areas
(7)There’s a lot of people begging
(8)Name of delay
(9)a North Korean informant
(10)If you’re lying down, you’re mostly dead
(11)You kill yourself at home
(12)Some people go into the mountains
(13)I’ve never heard of it before
(14)As far as I know, my family
(15)She was found starved to death at home
(16)No one came in and out of the house for three days
(17)Let’s take the water we’ve been rationed
(18)I knocked on the door
(19)But no one responded
(20)Chanho’s family name
(21)Five people starved to death in our village
(22)One family can’t work because their mother is sick
(23)Two kids made a living begging
(24)In the end, all three of them died

BBC Some North Koreans want war to break out

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(1)But officially
(2)It’s counted as a death from a disease
(3)In the case of another family member
(4)Mom’s breaking COVID quarantine rules
(5)He was sentenced to hard labor
(6)He and his son starved to death
(7)Recently, an acquaintance’s son
(8)I was discharged from the military due to malnutrition
(9)After that, my face suddenly swelled up
(10)Then he died in a week
(11)Earlier, we also thought that North Koreans
(12)There’s a report that you might be starving
(13)I’ve heard rumors
(14)But we’re going to talk to you in person
(15)Two out of every three residents have actually experienced such a case
(16)I didn’t know you would know
(17)The news that there’s been an outbreak of starvation in the last 10 to 15 years
(18)In the late 1990s or early 2000s

BBC Some North Koreans want war to break out

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(1)We feel deeply betrayed
(2)The people of North Korea have been living for many generations
(3)with endless weapons development
(4)I never wanted to suffer
(5)There’s no food to feed the kids
(7)I just want my family to eat three meals a day
(8)I just hope I can eat rice
(9)I won’t starve. I won’t let my neighbors die
(10)You don’t have to keep an eye on each other
(11)I want to live in society
(12)No one believes in TV propaganda
(13)This regime is like a mother
(14)I’m telling him he’s got a lot of people
(15)But what kind of mother can’t let her child starve
(16)for trying to flee to China
(17)Do you execute in broad daylight
(18)For people including me
(19)I want a war to happen as soon as possible
(20)I’m telling you the truth
(21)We need to get rid of the entire administration
(22)People can buy it
(23)We have to end this situation one way or another
(24)For me, three North Koreans
(25)Through this interview, what I said
(26)Recently, North Korea has been unprecedentedly repressive and
(27)It’s become a totalitarian nation
(28)I think it supports the argument
(29)Sadly, this interview
(30)The difficulties that North Koreans face today
(31)I think it could be a preview
(32)The COVID-19 Pandemic Is For Kim Jong-un
(33)It gave us a chance to control our residents more strongly
(34)Just because North Korea is reopening its borders
(35)I hope that the residents will be able to achieve the same level of freedom as before
(36)I don’t think it’s possible to enjoy it
(37)The fear is that the new era of oppression is
(38)It could last for decades
(39)After inquiring the North Korean government about the information collected through it, the representative of the North Korean Embassy in London responded as follows
(40)”The information that the reporters hid in the Joseon democracy is not all true, but it is a story that was manipulated by anti-Chosun forces. The People’s Republic.”
(42)The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is committed to the well-being of putting the people’s needs first even in difficult times


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