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Han Hye-jin makes even a monk with 40 years of experience flustered


image text translation

(1)Temple Stay
(2)Making beads
(3)108 Youngjoo started to sew
(4)I’m going to bow once and put a grain into it to make 108 bakju
(5)I’m worse than my mom
(6)My mom and the monk can’t get up right away, but only Hyejin can’tLOL. LOLpresbyopia issueLOL. LOL
(7)You can’t wear two or three at a time
(8)The monk is blocking tricks. LOL
(9)Mysterious Fun Charm Challenge 22
(10)How did you finish 108 times
(11)Oh, this is not a normal thing to make
(12)There’s nothing easy in the world
(13)Fixing the connection part so that it doesn’t come loose
(14)The monk is good at connecting the beads
(15)My pretty mom YEONJU
(16)Hwa Sa is tying it harder
(17)I tied it up by myself after watching that
(18)Tie it up like this
(19)I tied it like this!
(20)Who would tie the beads with one letterLOL. LOL
(21)Tie it up with both ends
(22)I tied the knot three times to be meticulous LOL. LOL
(23)I’m so embarrassed
(24)The monk is flusteredLOL. LOL
(26)a dyed muffler LOL. LOL
(27)It’s the first time in the world
(28)It’s been 40 yearsLOL. LOL
(29)I’m going to wrap this up
(30)I have a question, monk
(31)I rolled it tomorrow morning
(32)What should I do if it’s 107
(33)LOL. LOL
(34)numerical lethal dose
(35)My mom bursts out laughing
(36)CJ’s humming
(37)How can I do that
(38)The monk is in a dazeLOL
(39)That’s how I do it
(40)He started counting one pill by himself LOL
(41)Sick patients come to the temple to rest
(42)When couples come, there are people who take a month off
(43)The monk and his mother talk while counting
(44)I was counting hard and burst out laughingLOL. LOL
(45)LOL. LOL
(46)In the end, self-outLOL. LOL
(47)He’s so worried. He’s so clumsy
(48)Now that my mom says this
(49)He’s a good friend
(50)They say it’s because the monk is a good and good person and he’s pure
(51)It’s pure
(52)”A highly developed fool can’t compare to a mulberry”
(53)- Production team of Han Hyejin
(54)production teamLOL. LOL


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