The reason why Japan was able to start a war

The reason why Japan was able to start a war

image text translation

The reason why Japan was able to start a war

image text translation

(1)There was a real protagonist helping Japan in the trade war
(2)Sixty-four percent of Japanese products are from urban slums
(3)There are about five employees working
(4)I’m out of a small backroom factory
(5)These in-home factories are
(6)There are thousands of them
(7)It’s a place for adults and children
(8)I worked like a slave
(9)profited from cheap labor
(10)Japanese entrepreneurs are
(11)I’m going to use this in other countries
(12)I know you can sell it at a low price
(13)The entrepreneurs are looking for cheap labor products
(14)all over the world
(15)I even copied it illegally
(16)A lot of patented products have been manufactured
(17)with an American trademark
(18)It’s sold in Asia
(19)It’s a famous fire plug
(20)The great Scotch Pumwisky. All of them
(21)I’m from Osaka factory
(22)The match made in Kobe is
(23)It’s Swiss-made
(24)In Italy, which produces silk
(25)an arm of silk at a low price
(26)the home of the cotton industry in England
(27)I sold cotton products at a low price
(28)In Germany, the country of beer
(29)They sold beer at a cheap price
(30)selling 35 to 50 cents
(31)American toothbrushes are also replicated in Japan
(32)American miscellaneous goods store
(33)I sold ten cents
(34)Even the American flag
(35)at a lower price
(36)Then export cheap labor
(37)with money earned abroad
(38)a car or refrigerator
(39)Did I buy food
(40)For Japanese workers
(41)I want to build a better house
(42)Did he improve his standard of living
(43)Of course not
(44)Instead, Japan has oil and scrap metal
(45)Import tin rubber aluminum
(46)It’s a powerful weapon of war
(47)He said he made a mall
(48)I’m a maniac. I’m a maniac
(49)I’ve turned the sweat of the people into a weapon
(50)Sweat with a gun
(51)And with a fighter jet
(52)And the fleet
(53)I turned it into a war

The U.S. has never given me technology, but it’s illegal copying, etc

He violated the copyright law, made money, and started a war with it

The U.S. government directly said it was a propaganda movie about Japan

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