image text translation
(1)30 minutes of marriage
(2)SNI Corporation and HSHc63
(3)Why are men so calculating these days
(4)In the past, no matter how much women earned
(5)It doesn’t matter, save less money and earn less
(6)You take it for granted, and if you like each other, you’re not married
(7)I often see couples in their early and mid 30s break up
(8)When I hear about men, I think about marriage
(9)I don’t have enough money to save her, so I’ll wake her up
(10)I’m getting bored listening to it;;
(11)It wasn’t like that before
(12)To the normal ones
(13)He asked me what I was doing even if I was going to be a little girl
(1)LG Electronics partner lilioiliimage text translation
(2)It’s not men, it’s women LOL
(3)Good. 6
(4)SNI Corporation – HSHc63
(5)The girls can’t help it
(6)If you’re married and pregnant, there’s a risk of being single-income
(7)i’m out of it LOL. LOL
(8)26 minutes. Good. 5
(9)SNI Corporation and HSHc63
(10)Nestle Korea yeeeeeee!
(11)Ask Femi about what happened
(12)All right, 2 ● All right
(13)Starbucks Coffee Korea · Coghi
(14)Do you mind if a man says he’s saved some money
(15)SNI Corporation and HSHc63
(16)If I saved some money, I’d have to live alone
(17)27 minutes is good
(18)a civil servant
(19)Yes, women should live alone if they saved some money
(20)25 minutes. Good. 12
(21)You used to understand and marry me even if I collected a little
(22)★ Good
(23)See 7 more comments >
(24)Seoul Transportation Corporation and Illllp
(25)You don’t want to pomp
(26)● Good. 5
(27)Police Department mzoW71
(28)I feel like I’m going to leave a hot comment
(29)All right, 2 ● All right
(30)startup abcdzyw
(31)Are you kidding me
(32)29 minutes is good ●글
(33)Hanon System – Ywyh20
(34)It’s not the other way around
(35)29 minutes is good ● ●글
(36)New company DevCto
(37)Of course. When you think about marriage, you think about men and women
(38)It’s the same. He’s a person
(39)All right. Four generations
(40)SNI Corporation HSHc63
(41)I didn’t do that before
(42)I don’t know because I haven’t been a person before, but women’s advancement into society
(43)They’re equal, so they’re not looking at equal conditions and with their eyes
(44)It’s a social standard now
(45)Good. Two
(46)NAVER’s tiger hair
(47)It’s a time when you can’t live if you don’t get a double income, so it’s no wonder
(48)Good 7
(49)That’s a relief. If it’s you
(50)I’d love to.
(51)”Jungsang, if you dig a man’s cup, you’re going to spend a lot of money.”
(52)Good. 6
(53)SNA HSHc63E Corporation
(54)That’s true, but I think it’s changed since a long time ago
(55)26 minutes
(56)You must be criticized a lot Put down the message
(57)Samil Accounting Corporation lijjjjji
(58)It used to be like that before, but it started to split up, and women were like men
(59)If you’re short, how about Luzerney’s annual salary? How about your family
(60)I think men do the same
(61)After all, it’s like you’re filming yourself
(62)Six generations
(63)Korea Environment Corporation – Wear a tumbler
(64)It’s like an agro
(65)22 minutes
(66)National Health Insurance Corporation jlliilljl
(67)Men and women are divided, but men should also be vicious together
(68)20 minutes is good. 3… Okay